Eliminating the final brake run...

Alex here w/ another kooky and uneconomical way to make coasters more economical;) Actually, I just want to see if my latest idea is possible. This idea would eliminate brake runs on "short (length)" B&M coasters or coasters that are limited on space.

Here goes, instead of the brake fin underneath the car there is a long bar that resembles the brake fin used on B&M coasters that instead of being smooth has deep, wide knotches(sp?) in it. Instead of the long flat brake run there is a fairly steep last hill that leads to station level. When the train reaches a certain point the brake fin is run through two cogs that look kinda like the side-pinch wheels on almost all modern B&M's. As soon at the coaster comes to a complete stop the cogs kick in and hoist the train up into the station. Once the brake fin is level in the station another set of cogs grab onto it to pull it the remainder of the way into the station.

Safety features include an anti-rollback chain dog mounted horizontally to another smaller cog which would almost completely prevent rollbacks. Note: The cogs would have to be mounted where the brake fin would be horizontal by the time it was engaged to prevent grinding. Is this at all possible? How could this idea be improved? Please remember that it is really hard to put ideas like this into words, so please, no flaming;)

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit www.geocities.com/sfneguy for info. and pics of SFNE, including NEW constr. pics of B:DK!!! Formerly known as srosatsfne. I am NOT SFNEFreak!

But this would end up costing extra track..which in the end would end up costing more. Lets stick with the way it is now.


I HATE SNOW!!! I am boycotting snow, I refuse to have fun in it.

Seems like an extremely jerky way to stop to me. And if I am not mistaken a few hydraulic cylinders pushing calipers together would be a lot more economical then this complicated and expensive sounding system. Not to mention the added cost of the raised station etc etc etc. I don't think your system would work.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 3/4/2002. ***

Pardon my ignorance, but what in the world are cogs? The only thing I know about them is Cogswell makes them, and they are evil little things, unlike sprockets, which everyone should love.

I still have no signature.

LOL! Cogs are like gears and they have "teeth" in them so they can catch and move stuff (i.e. brakes with teeth sticking out, other cogs, etc.) Oh BTW this idea, it sounds really cool!

I'm too lazy to put anything here....

lol, Whats wrong with a regular brake run? Your idea sounds pretty complicated.

"Yeah, they did it in Superman 3"

There is too many machanical parts involved in this process providing more or a risk for the coaster to break down. The area between the brakes and the station is very minimal anyways, (Unless of course there are two stations)so its not like it would save a ton of space.

It is an interesting idea maybe for a lift hill instead of a brake run. A portion of track is brought up in sort of a conveyor in a horizontal manner. that would save a lot of space considering lift hills are very consuming of space.


Interesting idea... I can see how this could be designed in a way as to stop the sudden deceleration that a brake run has.

i am sure the current system is more economical though.

Planned Parks for this summer: CP, SFWoA, SFGAm, SFKK, PKI, MA, SFStL, HP, KW, SFMM, KBF. Is 11 enough?

forget the sudden deceleration you would be jerked into whiplash wityh this system when it engages. Like boomerang with an attitude engaging the chain on the second lift.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

Spacely Sprockets vs Cogswell Cogs :)

Chuck, ROFL :)

Charles Nungester
167 coasters and hopes to be over 200 by the end of 2002 :)

I don't fully understand what is being proposed here. Is it something like the rolling brakes found on The Ripper at Thrill-Ville USA or on the Bobsleds at Seabreeze, or as used to be on the Firecracker at Holiday World? With those systems, a more or less conventional friction brake is attached to links of a chain, which is operated at a constant speed, though connected through an overrunning clutch. When the car hits the chain, it slows to the chain speed, and the chain carries the car on into the station.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I don't think so Dave. He is proposing a steep hil going into the station so teh train slows it self down at which time cogs grind and grab there way until they get a grip at which time you will be hurled into oblivion from gravity pulling you suddenly back down and a cog gear engaging . I don't see how you oculd get the timing right. I know teh system you are talking abotu but it is not like the one proposed above.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

ALF is cool what time is alf on

3.Incredible hulk
6.Duling dragons
8.Great bear
10.Loch Ness Monster

MrAlPenGeisT said:
ALF is cool what time is alf on

3.Incredible hulk
6.Duling dragons
8.Great bear
10.Loch Ness Monster

Your sig is a little long there buddy, OK way long ya might want to read the terms of service and condense that list into three lines instead of 10. Just tryin to be helpful and not get you into any trouble with mods.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

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