
OK, I am trying to build my own customer elevator structure. Two questions.

1.) I would like to put some of the support braces halfway up the tower, but they always put supports under them. Can I prevent this.

2.) How can I keep the paths pieces I build on the top platform from having support braces. Or at least can I change the colors on the supports.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The bottom line is that certain pieces will always automatically create supports underneath them. As far as I can tell, there is no way to remove them. However, you can hide them to an extent by placing floating objects (those that don't have these auto-supports) directly underneath the supported object. Any of the flat roofing panels work quite nicely.

Hope that helps.

OK, that does work, but the one problem I am having is that every time I try to build that, I select the square, hit shift and move up, but it doesn't go up all the way. How am I supposed to put scenery around the top when I can't get the scenery to shift up 300 ft.

You can easily stop the auto-supports by placing a flat support underneath it. The flat support is very close (maybe next to, I don't remember off the top of my head) to the box support. Place the same item under the footpath to block the footpath's supports.

To build scenery very high, start with the shift and drag it up. Ctrl-click that, and while holding ctrl, do another shift drag. Repeat. That has been explained many times.

You can also zoom out to place/stack scenery at a very high level.


Legend_n_Raven said:

You can also zoom out to place/stack scenery at a very high level.


I zoom out all the way, put the ground at the far bottom of the screen, click (and shift) and drag up. My mouse goes all the way to the top of the screen but my piece goes up only part way.

1) How high are you wanting to build?

2) Make sure that the square you are placing the object on is at the very bottom of your screen. That way you can place the object as high as possible.

3) If that still doesn't work, consider making your elevator smaller. For instance, if it's 600 feet right now, try making it 400.


The tower I am trying to build is 300 ft. The stock tower designs are pretty tall too, and somehow they got the scenery up there. Its just that I zoom out ALL the way, put the square at the VERY bottom, and slowly move the mouse up to the very top of the screen, but the piece "lags" behind the mouse, and I get anywhere between 100-120 ft. I am making and testing a design for my "big signature fantasy park" and I just don't get how to get the scenery up that hi.

Ok, I just had a great idea, and I will let you know if it works.

I am going to design a 60 ft. tower, complete with the top I want. After I save the design, I will demolish it and rebuild it, but I will use the shift function to build it raised 60 ft. Then tear down the bottom station and rebuild it to the ground. After a couple of repeat procedures, I should be at 300 ft.

WHile this may be time consuming, i thought that even if I did find a way to place scenery at 300 ft. it would be tedious anyway.

OK its going well so far, even though I had to make some changes. It won't let me "raise" the tower when I rebuild it, but I got around that by raising the land under it, building it, then lowering the land.

The second problem was that, unlike coasters, you can not build onto the bottom, you have to piece by piece tear it down then rebuild it, but that is not that bad.

All in all, I am up to 250 ft for the top walkway. Only 300 ft more to go. (I can go higher than my original 300 now that I found the key.)

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