Elections and amusement park legislation.

So, we had a major election yesterday. The Republicans have obviously taken control of the Congress. What impact do you think it will have on, say Markey's proposed legislation on Amusement Park safety? How 'bout New Jersey's limits on G forces?

Any thoughts? Not to turn this into a political bash session, but what impact will the elections have on our "industry"?


"Getting on Iron Wolf is kind of like going in a blender and pressing PUREE"

Jeff's avatar

I don't think it matters. I forget his name now, but one of Markey's biggest critics on this nonsense was another democrat.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

I don't know, but if I hadn't been convinced to vote for Taft in the Ohio gubernatorial election before, I certainly was after Hagan said "I hate roller coasters." ;)


This type of legislation isn't really a partisan thing, I don't think its going to have any effect.

If the shoe fits, find another one.

Why would it have an impact? I am pretty sure most of the politicians could care less about this whole "Rollercoaster" safety b.s.

They have bigger fish to fry.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

I think that we will not see any coaster regulations with this congress. Republicans tend to leave things like that alone. The Democrats are typically the ones that want to regulate or ban everything. They don't think that you can take care of yourself and want the government to do it for you.

Thats my little speach for the day. ;)

There is a new twist in the Top-Hat. :)

Kick The Sky's avatar
About the only effect is that Senator Markey will have more trouble getting any proposed legislation for ride safety measures as the Republicans are likely going to stonewall and democratic legislation for the next two years. That being said, it can still be tacked on to any bill as extra "fat". This is often done to get key votes on more important issues from fence sitters.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Wanna Ride A Woodie?

Since the entire House of Representatives was up for election yesterday, and since I am too lazy to check with any official source to see...

Was Markey, in fact, re-elected?

Presuming for the moment that he was...
--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Democrat, Mass., reelection is a fairly safe bet.

It does matter greatly!!!! If the democrats has taken over the House of Represntatives and bill offered a a democrat would have had a great chance of at least passing that house and just because one democrat of several didnt like it, that can all be taken care of when they do their horse trading of votes behind closed doors where people will support you on a issue if you support their pet issue!!

Now with the democrats not controlling either house they are unlikely to get any bills thru that are sponsered by the trial lawyers!!!

Markey won, he ran uncontested. :( :( :(

There is a new twist in the Top-Hat. :)

Bah....One of us in Mass needs to step up and run against him next time. O well. Any volunteers?

I don't see anything changing with bills bout parks passing. It's safe to say we're good for 2 years....

One thing you can do is type up a letter stating facts more than opinion, about why Rep. Markey's legislation is erroneous. Be sure not to go over a page, not to say things like "he's so stupid!!!" and use clear, factual language that non-enthusiasts would understand. Then, send it to your Congresspersons. They will listen.

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