Election Day... please go vote

I didn't get a damn sticker. No sticker, no receipt, no paper ballot for recounts, no donuts, no coffee nothin. Just an off-handed comment from the old bat behind me in line about "all these kids making the line long". Not too impressed with my new home....

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
The media is leans very much to the left.

And i had hoped i would be safe from all this crazy stuff here on CB...guess not

(and yes i voted, and yes i know it is inportant, it just gets really old when the only thing in the news in the Election for the last few days)

Edit: as much as it pains me, political comment removed.

I'll say this about the media: Jon Stewart has it right; the media has become a useless commodity. They serve no purpose in this country anymore. The purpose of the media is to inform people, not entertain, which is what it has become. No one asks real questions anymore, everyone's afraid of ratings, it's absolutely ridiculous. *** Edited 11/2/2004 6:37:49 PM UTC by Impulse-ive***

2Hostyl said:
The media does NOT lie.....well no more than any one else

Are you suggesting that the candidates would lie? I don't believe it!

Proud first time voter and actvist here. Thanks to those of you who've already voted, and to those of you who plan to vote. I admire your comittment to your civic duty, to your fellow Americans, and to the rest of the world. We've got to show that the strength of our nation's founding principles will never be diminished come hell or high water. To those of you who don't plan on voting, how hard is it to stand in line (we coaster enthusiasts ought to be used to it), read a few lines of text, punch a hole next to your candidate, and sign your name? You're only asked to do this every two years; for all the privelges and rights we have fought so hard for in this country and enjoy, the least you could do is vote. Please don't turn over your power to decide our future to someone else; chances are you won't like the outcome. *** Edited 11/2/2004 6:37:51 PM UTC by astarzl***
Having worked at a newspaper for the last six years, I can say that the "liberal media" is a myth. People who work here are just as divided as the country as a whole. Any bias in stories is noticed and edited out, and we are very conscious of favoring one candidate over another, including where each story is placed, the length of stories, quality and placement of photos, number of stories, etc.

People always believe a paper is opposite of their own political leanings. I see it every day.

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Lord Gonchar's avatar

You're only asked to do this every two years; for all the privelges and rights we have fought so hard for in this country and enjoy, the least you could do is vote. Please don't turn over your power to decide our future to someone else; chances are you won't like the outcome.

I'm not being a smartass here, but...

Everytime I have voted, the candidate I voted for has lost. Everytime I skipped it, the candidate I would have voted for has won.

I'm probably better off staying at home.

Sounds like my luck, gonch... same is also true here for betting on football games...

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


DawgByte II said:
For the uninformed... do NOT vote, you're not helping out...

For the informed... do your civic duty & vote or die...


For the local candidates, I could care less... I dont know & I don't care to know what they stand for because their local commercials are bashing one another to the point of annoyance.

I'm voting for a president & that's all...

First off, I dont care if you are "informed" or "uniformed", you *still* should go out and vote your conscience. Hell, many of the people who *think* they are "informed" have their fact ass-backwards anyway (How many people still believe Sadaam had something to do with 9/11/2001?)

But the most disturbing part of your post is the bit about not being concerned about the local elections. These are the people that are going to make the real difference in your life. These are the people with power over your police, fire and other emergency services. These are the people with power over your schools. These are the people with the power over your sales, real estate and telecommunications taxes. In most *real* senses, these people are MORE important to your daily life than the president!

Oh and Lord G, if I can guess who you'd vote for (based on other responses) I think I would encourage to go out and vote right now ;)

lata, jeremy

PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

Gemini's avatar

People always believe a paper is opposite of their own political leanings. I see it every day.

Typical liberal media answer. ;)

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Gemini said:

People always believe a paper is opposite of their own political leanings. I see it every day.

Typical liberal media answer. ;)

Drink the kool-aid brother....

For all those who hate talking about Elections direct your attention to the humor thread. :) I am under 18 but I honestly think I know more about this election then some adults a lot older then me. Elections are just one of those things that bug me, because it seems its just "left to the adults" where Kids have no say, especially the informed children.

Oh well, my only rant for the day.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

You must be as tall as the pile of legal briefs in order to vote.

Line jumping is cause for removal from the polling place. No refunds will be given.

All voters must wear shoes that cover the heel while voting.

Guests of a certain size or height may not be able to fit comfortably into the voting booths.

Pull down on the lever to lock your vote in place.

An attendant will be around to check your lap bar.

Voters are reminded to keep their arms and legs inside the voting booth at all times.

Enjoy your ride!

Nicely done -- at least it's SORT of on topic for this site.

Seriously, everyone who can vote, please do so. I'm closing this since it IS off-topic for this site, but yes, voting is important.

--Greg, who voted bright and early this morning on his way to work.

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Closed topic.

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