EIN Rule

I just wanted to know what the EIN rule is. I think it has something to do with the EIN staying close to the same number, am I correct? Please tell me!
joe.'s avatar
Excitement > Intensity > Nausea.

As long as the ratings for your ride fit this formula, it SHOULD be quite popular.

CBClub member #30 and #364 (renewal)

I know that, but what is the "RULE"?
It's not a rule exactly It's a formula someone made up in the games section for RCT

E greater than I greater than N


Excitement 8.00

Intensity 7.00

Nausea 6.00


Of course your excitement rating will be effected by your intensity rating.
kpjb's avatar
I made it up... it's not a strict rule as some have made it, rather a guideline to having a popular attraction.

The Excitement should be greater than the Intensity, which in turn should be greater than the Nausea.

Come on, fhqwgads!

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Let me throw my two cents in and stress that it's far from a rule - it's a beginner's guideline.

There are many E>I>N coasters that aren't worth looking at. There are many coasters that aren't E>I>N that are among the best I've seen.

In general it's a good starting point for those less experienced with creating coasters in RCT.

If you have E>I>N, the peeps will approve.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 5

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