Economy drop to affect amusement industry?

As the Dow Jones Industrial and NASDAQ close at 235 and 90 points a ffects stocks and bonds, something comes to question. Will this drop in the economy affect the amusement industry? It happened in 1929. The market crashed and the amusement industry took until the 70's to get going again. Hopefully, this tremendous drop will only be temporary and will be gone before summer.
I'm into Mutual funds for the long term. The Crash we're having right now has nothing to do with how much money I have for park visits. I'm not cashing in my funds for my summer trips. I've lost alot of money on paper, but still have the same income coming in.

Everyone being unemployeed, now that's another story. If people don't have a job and money, then they can't visit the parks, and many have been laid off.
I just want to comment here.

I already started an economy thread. It is called "The economy going to hurt the amusement industry?" I posted 2 days ago. This is exactly what the search option is for.

Here's the link:

*** This post was edited by CPgenius on 3/20/2001. ***
Please refer to the topic CPgenius started.


Closed topic.

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