Earthquake Near Holiday World

Paula what news crew was it and when will it appear on TV? Good thing no one or ride got hurt. I don't know what I would do without the Raven.

Thank god nothing was destroyed! That park is perfect! It would be such a shame to see it be destroyed.

Be sure to visit Holiday World. Best park in the world!

If you think CA is bad, you should live in Japan. THAT's what all the wood on White Cyclone is for. And the strongest known quake in U.S. history was not in CA or AK, but in Missouri.

My two favorite coasters are named Superman.

Yes, the New Madrid (is that correct ?) fault line runs through KY and Southern MO. The last time there was a major quake on that fault, it changed the course of the Mississippi River. When that fault has another big one, it's really gonna be bad for Louisville and St.'ll make California look like a Frog Hopper, instead of a Power Tower. St. Louis is built above a major cave system, by the way... ! :(

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze

Just to elaborate on that last point, yes indeed the strongest earthquake in recorded history in the U.S. had it's epicenter in New Madrid, MO. Supposedly it was so big that it caused bells to ring in Boston, MA. There is a very old, very deep fault that is in the New Madrid area. I don't remember when it occurred, but it definately was a looonnngg time ago. Which begs the question, why do so many dang power lines run right through New Madrid? I mean, if an earthquake of that magnitude ever happened again it would sever power lines running from the great lakes region down to Texas. And i think we're talking lots of power. How hard is it to just avoid that area.

But on the other hand, I have felt one earthquake. It was the one that hit the Seattle area about a year and a half ago. It woke me up in my Portland, OR apartment. (yeah, I know I shouldn't still be in bed at 10:30 in the morning, but I was a lazy grad student)

We had an earthquake today here in Cali. You could here more than you could feel it, or at least where I live.

shutupandride said:

Paula what news crew was it and when will it appear on TV?

It was "Treeboy" from Channel 13 in Indianapolis. It won't air until next month.

The guy's a nut--we had great fun! Paula

Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

The Beast said:

How offten does earthquake's happen near Holiday World.

Apparently there are tiny ones nearly everyday--according to some expert on the news this morning.

We're located near the New Madrid fault.

It was very minor--most people didn't even notice it.


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

I got screwed darn it. I'm close to PKI and I didn't feel anything

I felt a 8.1 in Palm Springs about 3 years ago, now that is scary. I would hope that SFMM is earthquake safe because it is less than a mile from San Andeas (spelling?) and in Palm Springs we get about one "3" or bigger eathquake every month.

Glad to hear that everything is good at HW though!

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

Believe me, you don't want to feel an earthquake. My wife and I were in Vegas staying on the 23rd floor of the MGM Grand when there was a quake in the Cal. desert that was felt in Vegas. We woke up at 4am with everything in the room swaying like we were on a boat.

It was one of the scariest experiences I ever had. Especially thinking how I was going to have to run down 23 flights of stairs being as old and overweight as I am. :)

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

Mamoosh's avatar

CoasterCrazyOne - there is NO WAY you felt an 8.1 in Palm Springs three years ago. Just check for proof that it never happened. There was a quake in the desert about three years ago that was in the low 7's...perhaps that's what you were referring to.

And to set the record straight, the strongest quake in the CONTINENTAL [as in 'lower 48 states'] United States was indeed the New Madrid quake, but the strongest quake ever to happen in the US was the 9.2 Alaska quake of 1964.

NUTS - National Union of Thrill Seekers! [Brought to you by the maker of 'LoCoSuMo!']

5.0's are really small quakes. The only way they might cause damage is if you're sitting on the epicenter of the quake, and then you're looking at cracked windows and a little bit of peeling plaster at worst. But they are really nothing to worry about and, like Paula pointed out, most people would never even notice it.

Wait til you get to feel something like the Loma Prieta Quake that put the world series to a halt a few years back, then you'll know what a quake really is.

I would almost say this is, as Jeff said on a couple other issues, a "non news item" because it's such a little deal.

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

My bad, I guess it was a 7 something. I think I was confused because on TV right after it happened the said it was an 8 but it was later found to be a seven. Sorry!

~Santa Cruz Trip Report just added with lots of pix!

Mamoosh's avatar
No need to be sorry ;-)

NUTS - National Union of Thrill Seekers! [Brought to you by the maker of 'LoCoSuMo!']

Teenage Ninja, you didn't miss anything. I live near you - close to Fairfield and West Chester - and when it hit, I thought it was my dog hopping around in the next room, so it didn't really do much here.
Oh my freak! Another one better not occur. I don't want anything happening before I go to HW next week for my first time EVER!

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest

We felt that quake here in St. Louis. Only damage I know of: 1 small ceramic cat that fell off a shelf at my girlfriend's place.

Wood - Raven
Steel - Millennium Force
Generic, isn't it?

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