Dueling Coasters?

How do I make a Dueling Coaster? I read a tutorial for one but it didn't work! Not to mention I never found that site again! So please help me!
Build 2 seperate roller coasters.

Put their stations side-by-side, and in the same direction.

go into the settings for both coasters, and make sure "Syncronize with adjacent station" is checked on both.

In RCT2, sometimes it can crash the game to do this. It doesn't seem to be a consistant bug, but if you have two synced (sp?) stations and you uncheck the sync, it can crash the game, so if you do that, make sure to save your game prior to making the change.

You can also make mobius coasters (although they're VERY hard) by just bringing the track back parallel to the first station and adding more station track. This one's hard to get exactly synced though.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
B&M Guy, the stations don't have to be in the same direction if I recall correctly. One of the wooden coaster "templates" installed with the game has the stations synchronized yet facing opposite directions. I think as long as the first station pieces (the part with the lights, the last piece of station track before the new ride begins) are next to each other it will work.

-Steve, who could be wrong as it's happened quite often before... ;)

Edited for punctuation errors,

^Er, punctuation errors. ;) *** Edited 7/20/2004 2:03:59 PM UTC by MarimbaGuy87***

I've often wondered from time to time, how to write good poetry- and make it all... Work.
Lord Gonchar's avatar

Impulse-ive said:

You can also make mobius coasters (although they're VERY hard) by just bringing the track back parallel to the first station and adding more station track. This one's hard to get exactly synced though.

Not really ;)

Badlands - Wooden Mobius

Trinity - Triple Mobius Coaster

Those are a couple of good examples to tear apart if you're interested in making mobius dueling coasters.

(I'm sure there are a couple others on CB Games, but I knew where mine were without searching all over the place)

Spoken like the true RCT god you are....;)
Oh shut up, just cuz I've never gotten Kennywood's Racer to work ... =)

Last time I offer advice on RCT ...

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Anyone have an overview of Racer's layout?

I've never done an RCT recreation in my life, because you can never get it really correct. Maybe something 'inspired' by KW's Racer?

Split circle out of the station - parallel lifts over the station - half-height hill - 225o turnaround left - full height hill - bunny hill - 225o turnaround right over station - straight run - 2 bunny hills - 180o right turnaround under first turn - steep drop - flat run - pop into station

If you've ridden it recently that outta jog your memory enough ... I await the results =)

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
I tried what u guys said to build a dueler but it both trains stay at the station! I cant seem to get them to move and my park rating is going down! help!
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, I've ridden it a zillion times (most recently in May) but, I don't know the layout. Sue me. :)

Between my lack of memory, that description and some pics, I should be able to do and "inspired by" mobius dueler. I'll get on it later tonight.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Racer X - inspired by KW's Racer

Not bad, I'm impressed. I think I'll have some time tonite, I'll take another stab at my own Racer =)

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)

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