Dorney Park 8/16/01

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Arrived at the park at around 5:30pm to get the starlight rate. Right when we(family and I) walked in we went straight to.........

Talon-rating10/10-Great ride and only a 7min wait. I sat in back row and I loved the helix at the end. This is definatly my favorite invert. I only go to ride once though.

After that we headed over to the other side of the park where we encountered Hercules. It looked like a short wait so we decided to ride.

Hercules-rating4/10-I didn't really enjoy this ride because it was too rough. The worst part was the first turn after the drop and that there was one train operation. The line turned out to be 20min.

Thunderhawk looked close so we walked over there to find a 5min wait with one train operation.

Thunderhawk-rating8/10-Very fun with tons of airtime. It was a little rouh at the turns though.

Next we went to Steel Force.

Steel Force-rating10/10-This had a 30min wait because they took a looooooong time putting on the 3rd train, otherwise it would of just been a 10min wait. Anyways, this was a very fun ride with lots of airtime. I got to ride 3x's too. At night this ride was a walk-on and I was suprised  that it was.

We went to Dominator next.

Dominator-rating9/10-I went on the drop side and it was fun just like any other S&S. I just didn't like having to wait 45min.

Next it was off to Wild Mouse.

Wild Mouse-rating7/10-This was my first wild mouse and I enjoyed it very much. I waited 10min and I think it was woth the wait IMO.

After that I got in line for Laser, but due to a long line, one train operation, and a extremely slow lift hill I was unable to ride.

We then ran over to Steel Force for 2 walk-on rides. After that we left.

I totally agree that Hercules is way too rough.  I think I have more fun using my blender at home then riding this ride ! We were at Dorney back in May when "Talon" just opened.  I can't say it's my personal favorite, but it's up there on my list. I kind of missed that infamous "B&M Roar" that was taken away because of the local sound ordinance though.   When we visited Steel Force wasn't working during the day, but was later on.  By then the line was 10 miles long, so we only got to ride it once.  But it was well worth the wait.  I heard a rumor that the Laser is going to be removed sometime too.  Not sure why it takes forever to reach the top of the lift on the Laser though.  Dorney Park is slowly improving I think.  It still reminds me of a parking lot with rides on it, but it's a great place to spend an evening or day.
You gotta love the signs "HUSS Maschinenfabrik, BREMEN, W. Germany" and "Made By Zamperla"
rb2001, you'd lower your rating of the Wild Mouse at Dorney once you've ridden other Wild Mouses such as the Mack version at Hershey or the Reverchon version at Kennywood. Dorney's looks like other Mice, but their Maurer Sohne version is soooo slow. It's great for kids though. I'm amazed that a park known for it's capacity (CP) let's one of their other parks run many coasters with only one train.
Agreed on Intamin Fan's comments on the Wild Mouse... it may look like others, but it is slow compared to Hershey's wild Wild Mouse. Also, you must have hit it on a good day because when I visited the line for the wild mouse was 45 minutes!

As for Hercules... Some track work and some reprofiling of that turn after the drop and this could be one fun coaster. As it is now, it is a real rib / back / neck / skull breaker.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

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