Dorney Park, 6/19/08

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wasn't sure what to expect with crowds today. School is almost done for everyone but camp hasn't started yet so there weren't going to be many buses but I thought it still might be crowded.

My sister and her friend also went to the park with me today but I spent about half the time on my own since they don't like coasters.

We started off in Wildwater Kingdom and went to Aquablast first since it always has a huge line. Walk on, and usually the raft spins around but they were facing backwards the entire time and I was facing forwards the entire time. I won't get into a lot of detail about the slides but nothing had a wait of more than 2 - 3 minutes and I got on 17 slides in a little over an hour and a half.

Once we went into the main park, we split up and I went to Talon. 5 train wait for the front, walk on for the back, needless to say, I took the back row. Hydra was a 2 train wait for the front.

I saw Voodoo was running so I went over there to check out the line. It wasn't even out of the station. I was hesitant to ride since I was worried about fitting since I can not fit in the test seat but was going to try to ride anyway thanks to a few people on this site telling me that the belts on the actual ride are longer than the belt on the test seat. I decided to go to row 9 since there was a single rider there and it looked like he might have trouble fitting as well so if I couldn't fit, at least I wouldn't have to walk down the exit alone.

I was surprised how high up the seats were compared to the station floor and that the floor under the train was a hard foam type material. I had to pull down the restraint as much as I could but I got the seat to buckle so I was able to ride. The guy next to me wasn't as fortunate and he had to exit. The test seat is completely useless to me if it isn't accurate. I was very nervous about trying to ride since I thought there was a good chance I wouldn't be able to and if the test seat had the same longer belt the actual ride cars have, I would have known at the entrance I could ride.

Anyway, the launch wasn't as intense as I was expecting it to be but that might be because I have ridden Kingda Ka a lot this season and no launch is going to feel as intense as that launch. I liked twirling up the twisted spike and go right up the back spike and the holding brake was good as well. Overall it was better than I was expecting it to be but it's still not a ride I would be willing to wait more than 15 minutes for.

I went back for 2 more rides, row 4 and 13. I like how in the front you go further up the twist but in the back, you get the bigger effect of the back spike drop.

Steel Force was a 2 train wait. Someone took out a camera on the lift hill on the train before mine and they had to stop it on the lift. A bunch of people in the station got concerned and thought the ride had broken down. Thunderhawk was also a 2 train wait, it didn't throw me around as much as it normally does.

I finished the day with 1 ride on each tower of Dominator.

Overall crowds were much lower than I was expecting and I was glad to finally be able to ride Voodoo. I also am starting to enjoy the waterpark just as much if not more than the ride side of the park. The waterpark is a lot of fun...when there are no lines. I can't imagine waiting 30+ minutes for a 20 - 30 second slide.

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