Dorney Park 10/27

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My boyfriend and I finally made a trip to Dorney after postponing it a couple times. We arrived at about 11 and stayed until about 2. Here's the rundown

Thunderhawk- 2 train wait-front seat: My first ride of the day and it delivered to every one of my expectations. Very good airtime until the trim.

Steel Force-2 train wait-back seat: I was told to try the back of this coaster and I was a little apprehensive at first. My doubts were quickly erased as soon as we went down the first drop. It was a totally different ride than I have ever had on this coaster.

Hercules-no wait-2nd seat: After eating lunch, we went over to Hercules. It hadn't opened yet, so we decided to hang around for it to since it was testing. They finally opened and we got the first train of the day. I was expecting a rough ride and I got an entirely different experience. We were about ready to drop down the first drop, and I noticed a big difference. The trims were off. you read right. if they were on, they were on very light and you couldn't feel them. The ride went by very fast and I was surprised when i didn't have a headache coming off of it.

Steel Force- 10 minute wait: I wanted to go on this again, so we decided this would be the last ride of the day. We decided to go in seat 2-1 since the line wasn't real long for it. This time when I rode, I noticed something I haven't noticed before. Airtime. That was great. I got our on-ride photo after this ride because it was so funny.

All in all, it was a good day. I wish I could have stayed longer, but couldn't do to a hockey game in chocolatetown.

you didnt ride Talon? was it running that day?

*** This post was edited by Ride It on 10/28/2002. ***

Nope I didn't ride Talon. It was running, but I opted not to ride it. Partially because I'm a chicken and I still have a hard time forcing myself onto an invert.

You need to let go of your fear of "The Grip of Fear". No visit to Dorney is complete without a spin on Talon.

I was there on Saturday night and noticed they are finally addressing the disappearing mulch problem on Talon by laying rock beds directly below the track wherever the trains get close to the ground.


You got a trimless ride on Herc,,,,,,,o the envy!

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