Dorney Park 10/20

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Had the day off on Sunday, and the Eagles weren't playing until 4:00, so I decided to spent some time by myself at Dorney. The main objective for my visit was to get my 2003 season passes. My question is why is that always such a difficult process for most people? There three windows open for season passes around 11:00 am, which is pretty good, but they all moved at a snail's pace. I was fourth in line behind people that were all renewing passes just like me, and waited half an hour! I think people just make things much more difficult than they are. When it was my turn, I just laid our old passes on the counter with my credit card, and a few keystrokes later I had my receipt in hand and was on my way. One thing I am thankful for is the fact that we won't have to get our pictures taken at all this year

Anyway, into the park.

I wasn't really there to ride much, my other main goal was to snap some Halloweekend pictures and maybe a video or two. The park itself wasn't very busy early, but it appeared to have a steady increase throughout the day.

First up was Talon. Got in two quick laps in the front row in less than 15 minutes. Talon is one of the ones that you either love or hate, and I fall on the love side. Being packed into such a small space, it really delivers some nice foot choppers and good G's, especially through the helix. It's nice having Raptor's little brother so close to home.

After some wandering around and a little RCT2 research on Hercules, I made my way to Steel Force. About a 20 minute wait for the front row, but the rest of the train was a walk on. Only two trains were running, and the black one was not even on the transfer track. It must be put away for the winter, which makes sense since there are only two more park days left this year. Being around 60 degrees, SF was running a little on the slow side, but still packed a punch through the helix.

Some more wandering lead me to the Thunderhawk. I prefer steel, but I've always like "The Coaster". It still gives a good out of control ride like it did when I first rode it about 15 years ago. After few more pictures, it was time to head out.

Overall, it was a good final visit for the season, and a nice relaxing way to spend some time away from the computer. I was able to meet my objectives and take a few laps before the off season. Hopefully the winter months will pass quickly!


*** This post was edited by geneticfreak on 10/30/2002. ***

Great TR I think Dorney is a nice park.
NIce TR. I didn't like ThunderHawk when I went though.


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