Dorney Park- 6/4/01 (First Coaster!)

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The end of 6th grade arrived and we finally went on our class trip to Dorney. My friends and I headed for some rides like the Musik Express before we arrived at my first coaster experience ever. Here's a reivew of each of the 3 I rode in order I rode them:

Thunderhawk (wooden, 1923: 3 rides)
My moment had arrived, my first coaster. My friend Nathan and I headed for a middle seat. I was very nervous and hung on for dear life! The train picked up speed out of the station which I liked. The lift was short which was another good point. We then plunged with me screaming. The ride then went up, turn, and down the whole way until the bunny hops. When the ride was over, I was very proud of myself. My third ride was in the last seat which was very rough.

Wild Mouse (steel mouse, 2000: 2 rides)
Wow! This ride is small but packs a punch, IMO. The hairpin turns hurt my legs a bit and the drops produced good headchopper effects.

Laser (steel double loop, 1987?: 1 ride)
This ride was fun. The only bad part was the lift which was very steep and took longer than the actual ride took to the top. The drop was very cool. I closed my eyes through the first loop and when they opened I was upside down in the second one. The ride lasted about 5 secs more with really cool turns and came to a very abrupt stop. It was very smooth.

I had nobody to ride Hercules with, Talon's line was too long, and so was Steel Force at the end of the day. I will ride them though.

movies+coasters= the most fun you could ever imagine!

Jeff's avatar
You took multiple rides on the others but missed two of the best coasters in the east? What were you thinking?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

I'd just started Jeff and wasn't quite sure if I was ready.

movies+coasters= the most fun you could ever imagine!

At lest he is riding coasters now...;)

I'll pack my bag, take my stick, and go home now.

What? You didn't ride Talon? I would just fly from Denver to Allentown just to ride Talon.

As Jeff said, "what are you thinking?"

"Duff Man Says... Ohhh Yeah!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Medusa (SFMW) 3)Millennium Force 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)

He just started! Does that mean nothing to anyone?
I agree, let's give him praise for what he has done, instead of criticizing him for what he didn't do. Pretend you're just starting out again. Would you get on Steel Force right away? Probably not. At least he was smart enough not to ride Hercules!

Batwing-Bow Down

Thank you!
movies+coasters= the most fun you could ever imagine!
awesome job MovieCoast..dont listen to those guys....sometimes coasterbuffs can be morons too, not caring for others feelings, know what i mean?? :)  most of us though, myself included are proud of ya!!  that was a good start for you...a VERY historic woodie, a Schartzkopf looper, and a Mack mouse.  just keep ridin those till you get comfortable :)  and one day youll be screamin down Talon and Steel FOrce!! :)  oh, and you might wanna check out HersheyPark next year..or durning Holloween season if ya can.  its only about 2 hours from Dorney. its got some awesome woodies for ya to start on :)  they also have another Swartzkopf and a BM invert(similar to Talon) hypers to scare you with!!  hehe :)  keep up thte good work MovieCoast...youll be a full fledged fanatic in no time!! :)
In my opinion you missed nothing by not riding Steel Force and Talon.
Congrats on your first (second & third) coaster rides!
So you are 13? Cool so am I.  I dont travel around the country but I go to SFGAm a lot and ride all the rides.  I hope to go to Cedar Point with my family next summer adn maybe SFWOA.
Scream your coaster opinions and ideas! Its the ThemeParkBigShot!!!
Great work!  I think at least you got multiple rides on Laser and ThunderHawk, two of Dorney's 3 best, IMO.  Only been once, but TH was fantastic, got the shirt to prove it!  Laser, what can I say, powerful Schwarzkopf, great ride.  Do ride Talon the next time you go, and Steel Force, well, I rode in back so I'll suggest a ride near the front.  Airtime was MINIMAL in the back...Congratulations, and skipping Herc was definitely no big loss!
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you

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