Dorney Opening Weekend+TALON SWEETNESS!

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On Saturday, May 5th, I went to Dorney to finds out how dementedly awesome Talon is. I will write about the later.
This is what I did on 5/5 (I only talk about major rides)

arrive-10:05 Leave-2:30

Dominator- 2 rides up+down. Ilove S+S towers!

ThunderHawk- Due too one train operation I only rode once. I love the airtime on this classic.

Steel Force- Only one ride because I needed to get to Talon. It felt like it had even more airtime! If that is possible.

Laser- 3rides. What can I say, I love Schwarzkopf's stuff!

Hercules- 1 ride Ouch! I did not have fun at all. I felt a wierd pain in my chest after the first drop and it did not go away.

I also rode other things... Anyways on to 5/6

Arrive-12:00 Leave-3:30

Steel Force-2rides
Other flat rides also.


10 rides
This is my favorite steel coaster! It is incredible and smooth as glass. It is so compact and intense, too. I rode in almost every row except the front, and in seats 2 and 3 there was and extreme abundance of floating air everywhere on the coaster. It is so action-packed, It blows Batman away! The incline twist is very unique because the ground seems to spiral around you! Everything had smooth transitions and exteme G's. There is nothing not to love about this coaster. The line was about 30min. on 5/5 and 5-10min. today. Not bad at all for the greatest steel coaster I have ridden! Ride It! It is awesome.

The line for season passes was outrageous! Thank God I got mine a week in advance!

Talon is a top 10 contender! Go to Dorney and Ride!

Talon 2001

'Nuff Said
Two trip reports, and two votes for Talon's awesomeness.

Dorney Park just... rules!
Yup, Talon is Incredible.


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