Dorney camping

eightdotthree's avatar
The park website sends you to and I have browsed quickly through their listing. However I am hoping that someone with experience camping in the area can help me out. My girlfriend and I will be staying at Knoebels Thursday night and arriving at Dorney sometime Friday afternoon to stay Friday and Saturday night.

I am looking for a campground for two nights near Dorney and would prefer to stay as close to the park as possible. Price isnt that much of an option as long as it is reasonable (not hotel price).

I think there are a few listed off of I-78 on the blue signs for hotels, gas, and food. I'm not sure how far they actually are from Dorney though.

You can always do a Google search though.

In 97 I camped about two exits west of Dorney toward hershey, It was about 10 miles off the highway but it was a nice campground and the quitest place I've ever camped.

Chuck, who thinks it was a KOA

eightdotthree's avatar
Thanks Charles. We have stayed at a KOA before and it was really nice.

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