Dorney Park discounts?

Does Dorney have any discounts? Or promotions for bucks off you can find in the vicinity of the park? Like maybe buying something at a certain chain store, etc? Not including AAA...I know about that ($26.50 when bought at their office).

I know you rider Gonna miss me when I'm gone
From r.r-c...

Go to the Laneco grocery store that is just past Dorney Park on the right. If you go to the guest service counter, they have tickets, I think last year they were $21.50.

They still have tickets for sale, but I'm not sure at what price. Expect slightly more than $21.50 though. Also, go to an area Burger King, Turkey Hill, or AAA.
Thanks, Camel. I will be on the lookout.

I know you rider Gonna miss me when I'm gone

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