Donate Blood, Go To PKD

The Mole's avatar
Kings Dominion is partnering up with the Red Cross on Oct. 31st and Nov. 6th to have blood donation booths set up at PKD enterence to donate blood. If you donate blood, you will get a ticket for this season to come and visit the park for free. Times are 9:30am-3:30pm on the 31st, and 9am-2pm on the 6th.

Hope to see everyone there!

It's so good to see parks giving back to the community like this. I'm pretty sure SFGAdv was one of the first parks to do this a few years ago and now more and more parks seem to be doing it. It both fits well with the whole Halloween/Dracula type thing as well as rewards guests for donating.

I mean, it's a bit of a bummer that we have to go as far as giving people a ticket into a theme park (a +$30 value for most parks) just to donate blood, but if the parks are willing to offer it, and its enough to get someone to donate who wouldn't under other circumstances, then great!

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

Kings Island did this just make sure you get their not to late or you just get some food and a drink.

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