Dollywood and Mystery Mine media day photos added to Negative-G

Posted | Contributed by Paul Drabek

Negative-G was there for Dollywood's opening of the Mystery Mine. Check out photos from the media event, including The Tennessee Tornado, Thunderhead, Mystery Mine and Dolly Parton as well.

Link: Negative-G

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Nice pictures. Only two more months till I'll be at Dollywood.
You'll love it...Mystery Mine is fantastic!

Have Fun

Paul Drabek

Great pictures, I love Dolly. Going to Dollywood this Saturday and can't wait to ride Mystery Mine.
Having ridden it, I thought the theming was what was so fantastic...much more so than the actual ride. Then again, I prefer big airtime drops (SROS, AC, SoGo) much more than the type of ride MM gives. For what it is though, it's a fun ride.

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