Dollywood 5/7

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I went to Dollywood yesterday, and I managed to somehow pick the perfect day to go. Beautiful weather, and absolutely no crowds. But first I have a small complaint about the park...
Does anyone other than me hate the way that Dollywood is laid out? I wish that they would build some sort of circular midway that actually made sense! I get sick of walk up, back down, over, up, back down, over, etc.
The only lines were for the water rides, about a 30 minute average wait on all. Thunderhead had about a 10-15 wait(unless you count when a girl passed out from the heat and they had to shut the ride down for about 20 minutes to get her out of the station.) Rode TH in the only in the front seat and the back seat, and after about 35 rides so far, I still can' decide which I like best. The back is the best on the first drop, you still get alot of airtime, but the rest of the ride is better in the front!
The Tennessee Tornado was a walk-on, and had I not have gotten tired of walking up the steps, I probably would have rode over and over, but alas, I only rode it about ten times. It is an awsome ride, my second favorite sit-down looper behind MB@SFOG. It is still incredibly smooth, except for one big bump right at the top of the second loop, but it really isn't bad. And the turnaround into the first drop will surprise you with it's power!
We didn't really do anything the rest of the day, other than my girlfriend wanted us to do one of those stupid old-timey photo things, so I ended up standing there for 1 1/2 in this heavy 1800's army uniform thing, miserably hot and about to pass out, but anyway...
All in all a fun day, Dollywood is my home park, and I still love it, even though whoever designed the midways was quite obviously an idiot! I do urge anyone who has not been to DW to visit, I think you'll be surprised, but anyway...
Enough incoherent ramblings for now!! See y'all at the park!


villeneuve said:
Does anyone other than me hate the way that Dollywood is laid out? I wish that they would build some sort of circular midway that actually made sense! I get sick of walk up, back down, over, up, back down, over, etc.

I was talking with some Dollywood officials a couple weeks ago that told me the long term plan for DW is to expand Thunderhead Gap and eventually link it to one of the other dead-end areas, thus creating a somewhat circular midway. Until then, I guess there will be a lot of walking between TH and TT.......

^I understand that is the future plan as well. Up until now, the park was built where the landscape was level. But, with Thunderhead they had to open a whole new valley area.

I'm glad you had a nice trip. They do need to put some sort of roof over the Thunderhead que though, the concrete is horrible on a hot day.

rollergator's avatar
Incline railway from the top of the hill by Slidewinder to the bottom of the hill by Thunderhead?

Meh, I still like my other idea better...a one-way skyride...:)

Dollywood got a REAL winner on their hands with that coaster...and TT might have replaced Nessie as my favorite Arrow looper...Blazing Fury is more fun that it has a right to be...(even 20+ years later)...:)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

rollergator said:
Incline railway from the top of the hill by Slidewinder to the bottom of the hill by Thunderhead?

Hey, Ghost Town in the Sky has one for sale :)

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