Dollywood & Splash Country June 19 - 21

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Me and mygirlfriend went to Dollywood for our Senior Trip this year. I decided to buy the Splash & Play Ticket which gives you 3 days to go to Dollywood and Splash Country unlimited times. The ticket was supposed to be $73 and some change, but when we got to the gate to buy them, a group of 13 people stopped us and wanted to know if we were getting the Splash and Play tickets. We told them we were and they asked us to buy our tickets with them to get a group discount, you had to have 15 or more people to be a group. So we ended up getting the tickets for $63 and some change instead! On the first day we went to Dollywood and rode Thunderhead first. This was my first time going to Dollywood so I was eager to finally be able to ride Thunderhead. I fell i love with it and we ended up riding it three times back to back. I think this is my second favorite wooden coaster now with Texas Giant being number one. Unfortunatly Timber Tower was closed at the time. I wasn't suprised because before I went I saw on here that it would be closed for 2 weeks. BTW I noticed behind the fence where Lumberjack Falls is, they're building something. I don't know if it's the Mystery Mine thing or what. But anyways, we left that area of the park to head toward the Raging River Rapids, which was fun by the way. After that we went to Mountain Slidewinder..... this has to be the best water slide/coaster/fun thing ever lol. The path to get to is very long though and so is waiting time. I noticed the second time, out of the 5 times we rode it, you get soaked if you sit in the back of the foam car thing lol. Next we went to Blazin Fury which wasn't what I expected it to be. It had some corny effects in it, but it was still an alright ride. I didn't expect those three drops either. Finally, we headed to Tennessee Tornado. This Arrow coaster is really... really... big lol. The coaster is short but it just looks so big, expecially the first loop. We sat in the back and it seemed like once we got off the lift hill it didn't lose speed, in fact it felt like it got faster lol. Those last two loops are intense too. I loved it though, it was a very different coaster for me. By this time it was time for the park to close, so we thought that we'd hit Daredevil Falls before we left..... but it was closed for repairs. I didn't tell all of the rides we went to, just the ones that I thought ya'll would actually care about lol. Second day we went to Splash Country, which was awsome. They have a new slide named, Fire Tower Falls (I think), which featured a 70ft. tall drop. This was my first slide like this one and it was so much fun. They also have two green, completely closed tube, slides which are very very fast and intense, I got a little scared for awhile the first time down them lol. All in all I would love to go to Splash Country again. Third day we went back to Dollywood in the morning. We hit Thunderhead first, again.... still very fun coaster. But while we were standing in line for Thunderhead I happened to look over and see Timber Tower running.... WITH PEOPLE IN IT!!!! I was so so so happy, so right after Thunderhead we ran to Timber Tower. The ride is fun, it's not the most thrilling but still fun, but the only downside about it is, it isn't certain that you will get wet. Less than half the time did anyone get wet. The fountains aren't synchronized with the ride, so it's just done by luck. With my luck we didn't get wet, but I still had fun on it. It was funny because when people did get sprayed, the operaters started celebrating like they've never seen it lol. Well, we left from there and had a repeat of the first day, basically except for Daredevil Falls. This day it was open, so we get on and so far the ride was nice. We get to the lift hill and it stops half way up. So they had all of us get off and they said we could get back in line and wait a few minutes or leave and come back later. We got back in line and a few minutes later it was up and running again. Besides the breakdown this was a really good water ride. The drop wasn't as big as I thought it would be though. After Daredevil Falls we got something to eat and left to go finish out the hot day at Splash Country. All in all, These two parks were really good. Employees were nice, parks were clean, food was delicious, and rides were fun. I think the highlight for me was the opening on Timber Tower, because I didn't expect it. That made my day. Ok this was my first time typing up a Review/Trip Report so give me some feedback on what I need to do and if it was at least alright. Thanks. *** Edited 6/28/2006 5:34:14 AM UTC by Jigga0687***
Dude! How dare you call TG a good coaster. That beast needs to be torn down. How could it be your number 1? I'm astounded. Great tr! The Topple Tower sounds like a really fun ride.

John Moore

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