Doing business with Intamin... A liability?

With the recent events with Superman and the Hydroflume; how will this impact other parks besides Six Flags? Will Millenium Force and TTD open? Has Perlious Plunge restrants been upgraded etc. Your thoughts.
Mamoosh's avatar
I think few of us are in a position to know the answer to this. Neither recent incident has been fully investigated. Despite how many see themselves we are NOT experts on the amusement park business.

mOOSH [expecting closed topic soon]

*** Edited 5/5/2004 7:38:45 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

Agreed Mamoosh.

Also, this will be closed because this SAME thing is already being discussed here:

Cedar "Counter" Point said:
Has Perlious Plunge restrants been upgraded etc. Your thoughts.

Considering how in October of 2001, a woman was also thrown and killed on Perilous Plunge - YES, the restraints have been upgraded, two years ago...

Not sure if this question has been answered or not...will this affect the opening of Storm Runner? Or will it be fine due to the OTSR's? Sorry if it's a stupid question...

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Mamoosh's avatar
Been discussed, Storm Rider opens this week.
Thanks Moosh! It's finals time here at school...and my mind is over-worked and stressed, so I tend to forget things quickly...oh crap I have class in 15, gotta run! :)

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

you guys this will not affect topthrilldragster or mf so dont stress it is fine
Jeff's avatar
This is another variation of the same topic already going on elsewhere and in the news.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Closed topic.

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