does knotts have enough room for a giga?

a giga would really bring in the crowds!

"When I'm dead & in my grave, No more pot & whiskey will I crave, On my
tombstone it shall be seen. Here lie the bones of a smoking machine."

homepark=knotts berry farm (monte rules)
Not unless they go across the road ala Ghostrider
I've seen some aerial pics, and I think they do, BUT, it would require a little creativity. After seeing how Great Bear was shoehorned into an impossible place between a flume, a coaster, and a whole bunch of stuff, I'm convinced a coaster can go just about anywhere, with a little bit of creativity.

- Peabody
They only way I could see Knott's Berry Farm getting a Giga or a Hyper is if they removed either/both the stagecoach path and the railroad. I hope that does not happen though. If Knott's expands, we could see a hyper or Giga with a station where Windjammer is.
While I have no clue about the future of KBF, Matthew, your comment on the stagecoach and the RR is interesting. When I was on the stagecoach recently I commented to the driver what a fun and unusal theme park attraction it was. He replied "... but there are strong rumors that the stagecoachs will get the axe soon" What does that mean? I don't know.
Also, CP had to move their railroad to put in MF. Just something to think about, again, I don't know what Knotts is doing.

- Peabody
I am an employee at Knotts and have heard the same about the stagecoach trail. Mostly, I have heard about an Impulse going there! Good news because that will leave the valuable space of Windjammer open for expansion. But do we need more shuttle coasters?

Home Park: Knotts Berry Farm!
but also Disneyland and DCA

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