Does Flashback have inversions?

Hello, I am wondering if Flashback at SFMM has any inversions. That's the ONLY ride at SFMM that I have never gone on becasue I heard that it was jerky. So does it.

May 25'Th You'll Be Seeing Deja Vu Over And Over And Over...
Nope!! Banked tight turns, but no inversions.

Thanks Chitown
May 25'Th You'll Be Seeing Deja Vu Over And Over And Over...
Soggy's avatar
The turns do go past the 90 degree mark, but are not considered inversions. If only this thing tracked smoothly... ***sigh***

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
They are just as inverted as the inclined loop on Riddler's Revenge. If that counts as an inversion, I think the turns on Flashback should too. Just my humble opinion.
There's still a big difference between steep turns and an actual inclined loop. Inclined loop is just a loop tilted, a steep turn is just that. Even many B&M drop/turns are pretty steep, but they do not count as inversions.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Then how come they have over the shoulder restrains? I have always wondered that. Anyway No it doesn't have inversions,I always thought it did but when I rode it for the first time last year I found out that it didn't.
Yeah they look like inversions but when you ride they don't seem like it at all, and Soggy I do to which the ride was smooth it be one hell of a ride!
Thats a good point tycoon...It doesn't. Never had never will, and removing those OTSR would make this ride 200% better.

Ghostrider = good
They have OTSRs because it is an old coaster from Intamin. They probable didn't think that a lapbar can hold someone in tightly.

The Coaster Mainframe -
Somebody has reported that Flashback is a smooth and (now fun) roller coaster after opening from its rehab very recently. But this is said from riding in the newer train, the one with the metal silver grab/handle bars. The other train is supposedly the other one and will also supposedly redone. I don't know about you, but I'm willing to give it another try because it does 180° roll overs and now you can do it in a smooth fashion!
The OTSR's are there to keep riders arms within a certain area. Basically they wanted to "box" riders in so they cant touch the close supports. With today's technology however i do believe they can make a better car that can still keep riders arms out of harms way without being uncomfortable.

That said, I still like the ride and the rolling stock just make sure you don't sit in the front row or on the ends.

"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"
Perhaps if they made the restraints at least somewhat padded. It's not a problem for me since I'm so tall. I think this ride would be dangerous without OTSRs, but then I also thought a corkscrew and cobra roll would be dangerous without OTSRs, and look at the flight of fears. Perhaps a new train would work...

Saviour machine aka Squeemu!
They have ostr because of their insurance. If they removed the ostr you would have a sharing lap bar, because right now you do. It would cost more to make a new train, than the ride itself is worth.
Bad boy you have a good point, but you can still keep your hands up in the air with the ostr. Why does Revolution have ostr, because of insurance, and it must be the same for flashback, and all the rides at Sfmm. This i mean by if the insurance company considers it an inversion, or just wants to torture riders. Now Sfmm needs to get a new insurance plan, or they might have ostr on psycolne. Now if that happens God save us all.

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