I am doing a research project, and it is relatively easy to do, but I need the names of the President, VP ect. of people of Six Flags.
How about researching? That info could be found online without it being handed to you.
Real Cbuzz quote of the day -
"The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Look for their annual report, SEC filings, or possibly on their sixflags website.
My guess is that they live somewhere near Magic Mountain ;)
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
I believe Springfield's Montgomery Burns is one, as well as that "old" guy that dances on the Six Flags commercials.
"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"