Does airtime make you nauseous??

I was on a cruise around 2 or 3 years ago and it was rather windy one night and the ship was not stable at all.  My wife and I had a cabin in front of the ship and it kept going up and down, up and down, making both of us rather sick.  The worst part of the up and down is after the ship went up, it slowly went back down, giving this slight weightless feeling.  This was a pretty gross feeling which is what made me sick.  Now the coaster part of my post:  It seems that the part of the cruise ship that made me sick was similar to airtime on a coaster.  It was after going up and then going down which made me sick.  That is when air time occurs on a coaster.  And then I was thinking about it and noticed that some coasters with air time do make me sick.  Does anyone else get sick from too much air time??  Yes, I am enthusiast who does occasionally get a little sick :0(
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*** This post was edited by Zimm on 1/24/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Zimm on 1/24/2002. ***

yes negative g's can make some people sick, if you have motion sickness. some people have vertigo and cannot go on rides period.
you're more likely to get sick from a repeated motion like the one you experienced on the ship than from the differing motions that roller coasters produce.  also, the visuals will also cause you to be more sick.  if the objects around you are stable, but you feel motion, then you are more likely to become sick while on coasters everything is moving as it seems like it should.
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No, I get sick from spinning in tight circles, like small helices or on flat rides like the Monster or Scrambler.  Airtime, loops, etc. I can handle.  However, I was violently sick during the first 2 days of my honeymoon cruise!
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rollergator's avatar
coasters NEVER make me sick...simulators, especially when out of synch, YES.  Spin-n-pukes (tea-cups, rotors, spiders), oftentimes, yes.  The cruise ship even got me a little.  Coasters, NEVER.  Must be purely psychological...or is it just a form of insanity?
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the only roller coasters that get me sick are the vekoma boomerangs. of course the zipper, rotor and thebubble bounce always make me sick.
I am 42 years old and I can ride most coasters all day without getting sick,although I felt a little dizzy after riding Viper at SFMM back in 1997.Flat rides,especially ones that spin you in small circles and go up and down at the same time do make me nauseous.Airtime on coasters is not a problem for me.
I just have a bad inner ear imbalance. My dad has the same thing, he can't go on flat rides that spin around real fast but he can handle the loops and such ofa coaster. You just have a chemical imbalance in your ear, which will cause you to get motion sickness on rides. Try taking Dramamine before any spinning activites, that should help with your sickness.



I can't say that it does, but on occasion I'll get a little ill from too much after i've rode it for excessive amounts on that particular day. But it's a rare occurence.
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it wouldnt usually cause it doesnt last very long....however, i do remember one time scarfing some cheezy fries at SFA, then hoppin on stomach was not totally in support of my actions.hehe :)  but that could really go with ANY coaster, not just one with exceptional airtime.....back when Drachen Fire at BGW was still running, my buddy and i got 9 rides consecutivly in the back seat....after finally deboarding, i got light headed and passed out on the platform...haha, yeah....ZERO airtime, and yet i felt like i had been in a spin dryer :)
nasai's avatar
Flat spinning rides affect me to now end.  Ugh.  Now, the way a sailor on a ship prevents sickness is relatively easy.  I was in the Navy, so I do know this.  First off, staying in your cabin, or a restroom is the worst thing for you, because your inner ear is shifting fluids around for balance, but your eyes see no change in the scenery i.e.your bed, or bathroom floor (toilet).  The best thing is to go up topside where you can focus on the horizon.  Two good things happen here.  One, you can vomit over the side, and there is no smell to deal with or mess.  Two, you slowly come back to normal.  It can be a long process, but it does work.   The reason most coasters don't affect most people is for that very reason.  Usually coasters affect those people that shut their eyes on the ride, or have just eaten too much food, and yes...there certainly can be somewhat of a placebo effect.
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I can ride coasters all day without getting sick but give me a apin and puke and its all over.  heck if I spin around in my chair a few times I get sick, anything that makes me dizzy makes me sick.  Batman: TR did have a little effect on me as did shockwave, must be the intensity of the G's
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?
I have never gotten sick at a park (except that one time... oh nevermind). No ride have ever made me nausious.
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No coaster has ever made me sick, neither has any flat ride...except for ONE exception.  The Spider.  When I was 7, I rode my first one, and felt horrible afterward.  Up until this year, I wouldn't go on one again, and then at HW one day, I decide to give it another try, thinking it may have just been in my mind the first time I rode.  This time it was just as bad!  Ugh, I can stand any spinning ride, except this.  Damn the spider!:)
Mean Streak makes me sick...but not in the way your describing. ;)
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I remember last season I hadn't gone on a coaster in half a year, and the first one I rode was the Villain. It was my first time to SFWoA, but I had gone to the park several times when it was Geuga Lake. Anyways, I rode the villain, and when I got off, I did feel a bit sick. I went on it again though (short line) and I didn't feel sick at all. I think if I don't go on a coaster in a long period of time I get sick on the first ride because my body is ready for the coasters again, but after that first ride I feel fine.
Yes, airtime makes me sick, I have to take Dramamine like it is candy. I got sick after going on Big Dipper at SFWoA.
Soggy's avatar
I have felt queasy after 8 rerides on Ghostrider and Shivering Timbers, yet I was fine after 18 rides on Raven/Legend. (11 Raven, 7 Legend) Also I have done Viper (SFMM) 10 consecutive times, and was fine, but Spin & Pukes make me sick every time. Some looping Flatrides are OK for me, Top Spin, Inverter, KBF Hammerhead.

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Well, I started calling it Superman Ride of Puke at SFA this summer, because a few people were getting sick after riding. I do believe the high negative-g's are what made everyone get sick. If you think about it, you're organs, including your stomach, are moving upwards along with the rest of your body on those hills. It makes perfect sense to me.
If you have to figure out how to ride a coaster to be comfortable, then that's not a coaster worth riding.

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