It really all depends on the coaster. In general, I'd prefer a ride like Raging Bull to a ride like... say... Shockwave, but between Raging Bull and Hulk, it is a much tougher decision.
If the looping coaster is done right, where the inversions don't take anything away from the ride (in roughness, for example... read: Shockwave) that is as much an enjoyable ride as a ride without loops. Sure, OTSRs are much worse than lap bars, but a ride that doesn't make your head feel like WW2 just passed through is as enjoyable as any other ride, even if it has OTSRs. I mean, on my top 5 steel coasters, there's an undoubted mix of inversion & inversionless.
For the record, Hulk, Raging Bull, Raptor, Millennium Force, and, depending on the day, either Great Bear or Magnum round out the top 5 (6). :)
A few coasters that prove steelies don't need inversions: Millenium Force, Raging Bull, and Xcelerator.
Take it up a notch, Mr. Operator! I wanna feel my brains in my feet!
Yes I'm 15, no I'm not childish, I'm not being sarcastic, well maybe I do have somewhat of an ego...
"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry
Intamin Trains...
mmmmmm.. I love'em!!
My favorite trains! That with B&M inverted trains, and the old PTC trains before the ratcheting laps bars.
No, a steel coaster does not need inversions to be fun. Without inversions you have no OTSR's. Take Phantom's Revenge for instance. It opens up very nicely with comfortable trains compared to Steel Phantom. Another one is Apollo's Chariot. It blew me away the first time I rode it because of how open it was. Finally, there's Millenium Force which is just simply the best.
There are good loopers such as Hulk, Alpengiest, and Raptor. Inversions or no inversions, they both have their advantages, and can be extremely fun.
Actually, I prefer non-loopers to loopers. It seems USUALLY, that when there's a coaster with inversions, that's all that the designer focuses on. Which means air-time is overlooked. And air-time is probably my favorite thing on coasters. I understand that this isn't ALWAYS the case, but it just seems the typical style.
RGW: You are just ALL wrong about the B&M hypers :) (and that's all I'm going to say about that)
And Vipper: I think that the helix on Raptor (the coaster's saving grace) is far better than Gemini...course that little trim brake might have something to do with it :)
"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do
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