Living where I live now, it's safe to say the people who vacate here want to play golf, & they build golf courses year after year, after year. If it's not a golf course, it's useless, & it's not going in! Of course, there are two woodens at Myrtle Beach, but even on the busiest days, I'm riding with very, very few other people. Most the time it's solo with the wife. So, I guess the best hope is in places that already are there, or have that kind of thing well established in their areas. Sure, I'd like a new park, but if a park in my area starts to do REALLY well, then a park that's somewhere else may not do as well. People can only go so many places, and there's only so many of us that go to these places(and by 'us', I mean everybody, coaster thirsty or regular vacaters).......
dream it, draw it, Build it on a 2X4!
As far as new parks are concerned, land values have a definite effect upon where they are placed. In this case, as has been pointed out, "NIMBY"ism is the most potent. The thought of an amusement park close by depreciating their property values will drive people to extreme measures. Most of the "biggies" have had experiences with this, not to mention a whole lot of smaller proposed operations.
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