Do Six Flags parks do anything better than other p

Slithernoggin Said:That reminds me of people who encourage me to try a new food by telling me it's delicious once you get used to the taste. If it doesn't taste good from the get-go, I'm not interested. What does it say about Six Flags operations if you have to "get used" to how they operate?

I am used to how they operate because,i have been going since i was a kid and,it's always been conveniently close to home.I love Lobster but,i can't afford it so i don't eat it often.I hate plain white rice but,if it was all i had in my cupboard to eat,you better believe i'd eat it before i starve.If you have a better,closer,park to go to,good for you!I don't expect you or, anyone else to not go there if someone else tells me the service at your park stinks.I understand your point about not being interested in getting used to the SF way of doing things but,do you still continue to go to SF parks??If you don't go anymore then,i am sorry they dissapointed you to that level.

I said it before,i have more good experiences then bad at my homepark but,that is only because,i go frequently and can go on weekdays when things are a little quieter.I am not going to stop going to SF based on negative things people say about them.I know my park has some downfalls but,they aren't as frequent as people are led to believe.

As for your Mother's day experience,we both know this does not happen every day at every SF park.See it's not a problem to me when people point out that something bugged them about their visit.It becomes a problem when people work so hard to make others believe that these incidents are an every day occcurance and,it happens at all SF parks.I don't even know why i opened my mouth but,i guess i just needed to vent.I am not being sarcastic towards you Slither,i just can't seem to get my point across no matter how hard i try.I have no intentions of starting a riot on this thread but,i just have to let out steam.Sorry.


It's interesting to me how most people judge parks by their corperate ownership. I must be one of the few who generally does not. I judge parks individually, based on what *they* do, and how *they* make the best out of whatever situation they're in. I don't like to use phrases like "Six Flags this" or "Cedar Fair that". It's not fair to the individual park GMs that work hard to make their park a step above the norm, to then be lumped with all the rest because they have a bad day where everything goes wrong.

Try running a park yourself sometime...

The trolls shall remain under the bridge, hidden, and without food to grow. *** This post was edited by DWeaver on 8/1/2001. ***
Having known Great America (Chicago) both before and after Six Flags purchased the park, and comparing it to what Paramount did to its sister park in California, I have to say hands down that this was a win-win for Chicago. Had Great America not been taken over by Six Flags, it would not be the successful park it is today.

Are there problems? Sure. Expensive prices, mediocre food, sometimes large crowds, and rides that fail to open on time, but the overall benefits, and brand theming Six Flags brings to Great America, have unabashedly put this park into Six Flags' top tier, and by extension, favored status.
What i mean by Cedar Fair theming is exactly that, there is very little except at the parks they purchased that already existed (Wof KBF). Many people don't care about that aspect, but for me, good theming adds to the atmosphere which adds to the experience. Its nice to feel you are somewhere else (frontier days, germany, 50's, etc) rather than in the middle of a big paved carnival.

Man are you right about the Great America example. The 2 parks were identical before Paramount/Six Flags took them over, except for American Eagle. Six Flags added good, strong coasters (although too many inverteds lol), kept almost all of the theming in tact (except yankee harbor), and even enhanced the theming with the additon of southwest territory and have taken out minimal rides in doing that (bring back Skywhirl lol, V2 is close enough to Tidal Wave). While Paramount added mediocre coasters and ripped out almost all of the theming, and their newest "improvment" being the removal of the family/transportation train. Its hard to believe the 2 were identical. *** This post was edited by super7 on 8/1/2001. ***
slithernoggin's avatar

Rickyswmn said:
I understand your point about not being interested in getting used to the SF way of doing things but,do you still continue to go to SF parks??

I guess I don't understand why I should have to get "used" to how a park operates. To me, what you seem to be saying -- and I could be wrong -- is that Six Flags does have some inadequacies in terms of performance, but once you get used to those shortcomings its fine. Are you excusing rude employees, or dirty bathrooms, or sporadic ride operation, as just the way they do things and something customers adapt to?

Last year we visited Six Flags here in Chicago, SFO, and SFStLo. I'm not saying, nor have I ever said that they're outright wretched parks. We don't boycott the parks or anything.

As for your Mother's day experience,we both know this does not happen every day at every SF park.

Well, I never said that it did. Again, when the season has barely started, and you have employees acting in that manner (he wasn't the only employee delivering a subpar job performance we came across that day), it doesn't reflect well on those employees, the park or the management.

Sorry. I wandered off-topic again. Six Flags is doing a fascinating thing in trying to build a national brand for what has been essentially a regional business. I don't think they're quite there yet, but it's interesting to watch. *** This post was edited by slithernoggin on 8/1/2001. ***
Six Flags has such big parks they need employees, bad. It seems that they dont really care who they hire as long as they have someone. But the rides make up for the bad employees, so I guess its ok.

Check 1, Check 2, Reclining. X-Flight
I guess I don't understand why I should have to get "used" to how a park operates.

Ok so i worded it wrong but my point is,i go to my SF park more then Joe Shmoe who lives 8 hours away and is on a coaster roadtrip.I go to my homepark so frequently that i see the park on very many of it's good days.

Joe Shmoe comes down for a visit and the park has a bad day whether it be the help is seriously lazy that day or,the rides have technical problems which,is pretty much out of the control of the park itself.We all know mechanics have to check the rides out before opening the park because of safety issues and,if a ride is closed it's for your safety.Joe Shmoe walks around the park and thinks"gee i don't like what i am seeing at this park" but,Joe Shmoe will only see it this one day and then come back to a forum such as this and totally rag on the park.In turn,anyone else That has only visited a SF park a few times will chime in and say the entire SF chain stinks and start to compare it to their personal homepark especially if it's not a SF park.

As Dweaver said,it's not fair to judge every SF park because, one or two in the chain is being managed poorly.It is also impossible to make sure every employee you hire is going to do their job the way they are supposed to.I have worked in retail as a manager and, let me tell you,i was fooled many times and,alot of people will lie out their rear ends to get a job they know they won't care to do.I am just saying,i go to my homepark more then you and,i don't see these conditions every time i go.If you had access to my homepark like i do,you would have a whole differant view of it.You don't see it as often as i do and that's what i should have said to begin with instead of,"being used to it".


slithernoggin's avatar
Okay, now I see where you're coming from. That makes sense. You're more familiar with the park and have a better idea of how it operates than a one-time visitor.

I would suggest that, while it's not possible to make sure every single employee in a park (or a store, or a theatre... or a chain) is doing their job, it is possible to make sure that most employees are performing their jobs to a certain level of expectation (that's why we have job reviews etc). When I see not only that guy at the entrance but other employees in the park performing below expectations (at least, I hope they're below expectations!), it seems to indicate that a certain laxity is part of the managerial culture. It sounds like Great Adventure is further ahead than WoA or some of the other Six Flags parks I've visited. *** This post was edited by slithernoggin on 8/1/2001. ***

bigkirby said:
They already had a water park, they had some good coasters, cheesy theming, Flatrides??? Where? I can count about ten. Remember, Premier Parks always owned Geauga Lake, Geauga Lake has been owned by the same people throughout the SF deal. They just didn't want to spend the money. When they bough SF they decided to make it seem like a whole new park to brking in curious and paying guests.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest :)


No problem Kirb....But 6 flags(premier) built a new water park new wave pool, replaced some water slides, hooks lagoon, small but a lazy river.

Flat rides New this year...scrambler, casino, swinging ship. yeah I Know not really new..But I'll take it. ( they also redid the magic carpet
into the El Dorado ) Not to mention all the new Kiddie flat rides in boomtown.
and it is a brand new park with the addition of sea world. so no matter who did what I very happy with SFWOA.

Roller coaster of Love ~ ooi ~ ooi ~ ooi

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