Do MF ride operators still pick your seat?

I was just wondering since MF changed the ticket to ride policy if they also changed the idea of first in line gets front, 2nd in line gets 2nd seat, etc.
They do let you choose any seat that's open, but you have to be on the train they choose you to be on as the line goes. You can't wait for a seat on the next ride either including front or back. I like to go as far back as I can. So usually have have better chances at a good pick for myself.

Danny, who thinks it would be a lot faster if CP let you choose your own seat and actually thought there were shorter lines with TTR

*** This post was edited by Koaster King on 6/7/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 6/7/2001. ***
Ew, gross... Sorry, couldn't resist.

Every time I've been there, the MF operators do NOT assign seating. First in the gate gets first pick, but may not necessarily choose front, 2nd in gets next pick, etc. Often I see first group in take front and 2nd group in take back. I've seen first in opt to not sit in front (heck, I've done that -- eyes were irritated already by something, the last thing they needed was a front seat ride)

So it's not quite ASSIGNED seating, it's "you can't wait for a SPECIFIC seat, take what's available when you get there"

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 6/7/2001. ***
You couldn't have explained it better, Greg.

It think people online who have never been to Cedar Point are under the impression that "assigned seating" is just that- ops pick your seat. Its not really that at all- more like "privelaged seating" I guess you could say.

(Mike, who would also give up front seat if he was first in station because everyone knows 5-1 is the best seat.) 100% born-and-raised-Yankee-Hater
(a little off topic) But what is so great about 5-1? Greg and I sat there during CoasterMania and he also mentioned that it was supposed to be the best seat. Personally, I didnt notice anything special about it. I'm a devoted backseat fan, but I thought that the most standout ride was in the front.
--who would rather be in seat 2-2 blue on S:ROS@SFA anyway...
I have no idea why 5-1 gave such a sweet ride. Even two of my non-enthuisast friends said they got more air than the other seats they tried. I have sat in 1-1, 3-2, 5-1, 5-2, 6-2, 9-2. I found (since you said you didn't notice anything, I guess this is all my opinion :) ) that the closer to the middle, the more float on the return hills. I am also a devoted back seat fan (front is for sissys!) but this is the only coaster I do not like the back the best. The float for me was not as long lived, and the hump at the top of the hill is too large to really get the pulled over effect. As for front seat, I got more "ejector" air where my legs were violently pushed from the car. I would rank the seats I have ridden like this: 5-1, 3-2, 6-2, 1-1, 5-2, 9-2. I would like to know from a person who rides The Force a lot and has tried every seat (Red Garter Rob?) to explain to us which is the best seat.

100% born-and-raised-Yankee-Hater

I was wondering. You are not allowed to wait for a specific train in line, but you take it as it comes. I understand that because I experienced that last year...

However, I do have this little pondering question:

What if you are part of a 4-some, and there are only 2 seats left?
Will the ride-ops let two people cut in front of you to let you stay with your complete 4-some, or will you have to split and 2 ride now, 2 ride on the next train??

It'd seem kind of mean to let it be the latter especially if all this time you planned on purchasing a on-ride picture with you four in it.
I'm sure that can easily be done Dawg Byte. Just ask the people behind you and I'm sure the Cedar Point ops wouldn't mind either. That happened to us, so I know you can.
I have LIVED in 5-1R this year. It pretty much is average if you don't get enough room with those slightly pesky Intamin lab bars. Here is what I found it does better than any other seat, and my guesses why.

POP out of seat going down first drop-
I believe the lift sled attaches right in front of car 5. This may have something to do with it when the train get launched over

Intense Pull Out-
Floater Air over lagoon hills
ejector air over bunny hop
overbank intensity

These all may have to do with the front of the train wanting to go one way, while the rear of the train is doing something different. And car 5 is right in the middle of it all

Example? 3rd Hill. The back of the train is wanting to go up while the front wants to move downward since it's loosing speed. Instead up just getting Pulled over (back seat) or pushed over (front seat) car 5 experiences both.

Honestly though, I have no Idea, it's just is the best seat. Ask Wally Stengal and the Intamin peeps, they said so.

To answer Dawg Byte-
You state the number of peeps in your party, if there is enough seats on the next train, you will go. If there is 2 seats and you have a party of 4, they will ask two riders to go ahead of your party.

So If you have 36 peeps, You got the whole train ;)
Lifetime Force Count-57
Jeff's avatar
Word on the street is that they're going to try and let people wait for the front today (Friday). I guess we'll see how that works out.

Webmaster/Admin -
Dawg Byte: If you have a small group of like four, they will ask if two people want to jump ahead. If you have a LARGE group like 16, they will split up your party (ask GregLeg and Raven-Phile heheheh)
Word on my street is that I hope it works out so I can wait for 5-1 without biting my nails while waiting. Wednesday is better than Christmas to me. Joe E., you are the man. I also forgot that the designers did infact state it was the best seat.

Third Annual Coaster Crew CP Trip '01: 6/13
"Better than Christmas"
Isn't there a separate line for the front row? Or is that only for Beemers due to obvious reasons?
Jeff's avatar
Platform design is almost always the choice of the park. The Force's stations were designed by a Cleveland firm, if I recall correctly. They can configure them any way they want. There is no front seat queue for MF.

For a lot of examples of poorly designed stations, check some of the Six Flags parks, where they often put huge queues right on the platform, eliminating space for the seat lanes and making thing really crowded (see any SFA queue).

Webmaster/Admin -
As of today (just a rumor from creditable sorce
) MF operators will let you pick your seat and wait for it in line!
I kicked the sky....TWICE!
Jeff's avatar
That's what I said last night... read up a bit.

Webmaster/Admin -
That isnt fair!!! What if you really want a front row ride (which I will) but you are like in the middle selection level??? They should definately let you wait for whatever row you want like most other rides.

"Oh no, I'v said to much. Smithers, use the amnesia ray." "You mean the revolver?" "Precisely, and when you're done be sure to wipe out your memory too". From... The Simpsons
It's official, the front seat is now open for all those to enjoy, or at least for today :).
Jeff's avatar
Not fair? You weren't there the first week of operation. You couldn't even get people in the other seats fast enough to fully load a train. In light of the three hour lines last year, they had to do it that way. The front seat line became unmanageable. What do you do, tell people no more people can wait but the people in line can? That wouldn't be fair.

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