Disney's self-governing status to be reviewed

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Disney's unique status in Florida, essentially its own governing state, will be reviewed by the state to make sure its status is still appropriate. Despite its independence, the company still pays millions in taxes to the local counties.

Read more from The Florida Times-Union.

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Disney does a better job managing its land (as RCID) than do most municipalities in Florida. While cities like Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa and Jacksonville grow at alarming rates and sacrifice open space like it was endless Disney has done...in my opinion...an admirable job over the years.

The road construction makes sense. When you consider that during the busiest times of the year there are likely more than 200,000 people on property it is really impressive. There is room for improvement, particularly in terms of mass transit, but I'd like to see a comparable size "City" do it better.

The Improvement District is not unique to Disney. There are many similar Improvement Districts throughout the state that take care of land issues in unincorporated areas. The City I am in has the Indian Trace Improvement District which was responsible for land management, water management, street building, land platting, etc. The difference? Well....we don't have the world's largest amusement park.

I think the State does have a reason to be concerned if Disney should ever be sold but I suspect the buyers, whoever they might be, would not be ignorant enough to jeopardize a good thing.

Jeff's avatar
I don't mean to imply that democracy is a bad thing, but in this situation they do what's best for business, and their business is happy people. Taking politicians and their constituents out of the loop makes life a lot easier.

This is one of the reasons I'm a strong advocate of city manager governments. A professional runs things and makes the most logical recommendations to council. You still have elected people with the ultimate accountability, but at the same time decisions are less politics and more business. Works great where I live.

The Reedy Creek improvement district does a pretty decent job at keeping the wheels of life turning at WDW. Unless there are deep-rooted scandals floating around the district, why change what works?

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