Disneyland performers vote to join Actor's Equity union

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

A majority of Disneyland cast members who perform as characters such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse and dance in parades at the amusement park, in California, voted to unionize with the Actors’ Equity Association on Saturday, the union said.

Read more from The New York Times.

Jeff's avatar

I'm pretty shocked that they weren't already Equity, in California especially. I can tell you where the AEA office is here in Orlando!

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I agree, Jeff. I was surprised to learn that they weren't all along.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

Cost of living in California creates some interesting challenges. $20/hr minimum wage for fast food workers has created (in 2 months) some issues with further increased prices and loss of employment (and expected "shock" that both happened as if its not how economics works). Now there is talk of a $30/hr minimum wage in California. One person working a full time minimum wage job would make about 70% of the median household income in California in 2022. Two people working full time minimum wage jobs would make about 140% of that median family income. Won't be without consequences.


99er's avatar

I hope that since they were able to join AEA at DL, that it will encourage the performers at WDW to move over to AEA as well.


Jeff's avatar

Aren't the people in stage shows already Equity? I thought the Nemo actors, anyone singing, already were. Midway performers are in a different union, right? Someone explained this to me once, but I don't remember. Does IATSE have any presence in the parks?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

99er's avatar

AEA covers dancers that perform something complex like high-kicks, lifts, or flips. They also cover any performer who sings, hosts, or basically uses a microphone with a script. I believe they also cover stunt performers like in Indy. The Teamsters cover character performers, which is why I think it would be great if they can move over to AEA. All of the Stagehands/Ent. Techs on property are covered under IATSE Local 631. In addition to those, the American Federation of Musicians also covers musicians at Disney, like the Main Street Philharmonic.


Jeff's avatar

OK, so I had it half right, I just didn't know what the distribution was. Maybe I knew about the Teamsters, because I recall being surprised another time.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I wish there was a 4 hour YouTube video, complete with cosplay costumes, to explain all of these nuances. What does Teamsters have to do with character performers?

99er's avatar

Absolutely nothing. But my guess is, at the time of unionizing, the Teamsters were the only union that would accept the performers. Good for the Teamsters, but just ok for the performers. I don't know the starting dates for any of these unions at Disney but I would bet that AEA came in after the character performers were already in the Teamsters.


expect unintended consequences.

see curtailment of live entertainment at DLR this week.

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