Disney World modeled in 3-D in Google Earth

Posted | Contributed by PhantomTails

Google and Disney have announced the release of a joint effort to model the Orlando theme parks in 3D, visible in the Google Earth application.

Read more from The Official Google Blog.

eightdotthree's avatar
Wow, cool. With the new Google Earth plugin for the browser stuff like this should become more and more common.
Jeff's avatar
I heard a little about this being in the works, and they had a partially built building in Epcot's Italy along with the Swan and Dolphin hotels. Much of the Vegas strip has been modeled as well.
janfrederick's avatar
Hmmmm...I can only see the castle (which looks nice by the way).
The Mole's avatar
It's all there... check out Epcot, that gets quite detailed (including Nemo & Co infront of The Seas and the signs infront of Mission:Space)

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