Disney says Robo-Trump will speak in Hall of Presidents

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Contrary to previous rumors, Walt Disney World plans to give President Donald Trump a speaking role in The Hall of Presidents attraction, park officials said Sunday. Since Bill Clinton, every sitting president has recited a speech during the attraction.

Read more from Spectrum News 13.

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Jeff's avatar

It's probably safe to say that Morgan Freeman will no longer narrate.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

rollergator's avatar

"I, Donald J. Trump, hereby resign the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America, effective immediately."

Sure, it's stolen from Nixon, but it would still be guaranteed to be THE applause line in the show...

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Not a fan but I think it is appropriate that he speak since that is becoming the "norm".

I agree.
But like I'm sure I've said before, just finding something for him to say while sounding nice and sincere is the real challenge. On several levels.

Tommytheduck's avatar

"I will build a great, great wall around the Mexico section of Epcot, and I will make The Three Caballeros pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Jeff's avatar


Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Walk-Off HBP's avatar


The trick was to surrender to the flow.

slithernoggin's avatar

I still want the Trump audioanimatronic to be seated off to the side in a bathrobe, tweeting at the audience....

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

I will not be visiting the Hall of Presidents, then. I visit Disney to escape the reality of modern America.

Jeff's avatar

Motherboard posted another story to follow up on the original:


I think they're sitting on a great compromise that would be obvious: Have Clintonbot, Bushbot, Obamabot and Trumpbot all recite shorter, flag-waving speeches. Keep it short and sweet.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Hard to know what is true and what isn't these days but if Trump's people basically demanded that they would write the speech, end of story, then I've got no problem with Disney telling them to go pound salt. Having input and coming to a joint agreement about what is said is certainly reasonable. But, if they are going to insist on 100% creative control then Trump can stand in the corner and scowl for all I care. Trump's people can dictate what goes into his Presidential Museum. I know it is early but I can't wait to hear what they do with that thing.

I suspect he will talk about how great his presidential library will be and how huuuugge it will be over and over and over again but nothing will actually ever be built.

Pagoda Gift Shop's avatar

If they want to have multiple presidents speak, then won't they have to get them to record the new audio? Does Jimmy Carter get a speech?

Coasterbuzz - Coaster enthusiasts, but so much more. We're the good ones.

Jeff's avatar

No, that wast the point... just use the endings, the last paragraphs of each one.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Jeff said:

Motherboard posted another story to follow up on the original:


This article has been retracted.

Jeff's avatar

It sure has...


If you want to be taken seriously, always have two sources.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

rollergator's avatar

I think the point of this Administration is that you shouldn't know WHO to trust...

I don't know whether to give more credibility to the original story OR to the retraction. So much winning...

Last edited by rollergator,

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

slithernoggin's avatar

wahoo skipper said:
Trump's people can dictate what goes into his Presidential Museum. I know it is early but I can't wait to hear what they do with that thing.

Each guest is issued a bathrobe and escorted to a chair in front of a tv that only shows Fox News (or, the way the head of the network is taking the network, MSNBC-- seriously, Hugh Hewitt gets a show?)

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

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