Disney Parks Cast Members can now have exposed tattoos and more!

“Disney is going to lose us as customers...”

Yes. Exactly. Thanks for understanding.

Personally, I've always thought Disney's appearance standards seemed like they were designed to try and make all their park operations people look like children, which seems kind of weird to me. Worse...like children from rural Iowa*. Do I really want to entrust my life to someone whose employer wants him to look like he's twelve? I'm in favor of having park employees who look like the real adults they really are.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

* Yes that's 'code'. If you've ever noticed the slightly creepy demographics of a day at Adventureland (the one in Iowa), you know what I mean. "We value a diverse workforce (we just don't want them to look like it!)"


Last edited by RideMan,

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

RideMan said:

Do I really want to entrust my life to someone whose employer wants him to look like he's twelve?

When I went through Disney Traditions that was always one of the justifications for the Disney Look. If a child was lost or if a guest was in some sort of situation where they needed a safe person, one of the reasons they would feel safe going to a Disney Cast Member is because they would "look the part."I look at this as the same as when Kinzel retired and the Cedar Fair managers were allowed to ditch the tie. Long overdue and absolutely the right move.

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

I get the point of the suit and tie, but if you aren’t customer or client facing let’s get it together and scrap the unnecessary formalities.

Jeff's avatar

I'm pretty sure the OS published that just to make a mockery of him.

This reminds me of an early review of Melt, the grilled cheese restaurant in the Cleveland area (also at Cedar Point). They tended to hire waitresses with robust tattoos and piercings, which was even less common in the late aughts. Someone flipped out about this in one of the local papers, and fortunately they were shamed hard. These are my people, and I'm happy to see them less marginalized.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

ApolloAndy's avatar

Conservative outrage about tattoos is so 90's. At least get with the times and be outraged by transgendered sports like the cool boomers.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Or be my parents and have equal outrage for both!

Tommytheduck's avatar

His quote:

"Disney World is going to lose us as customers if it continues down this path. I do not want to have Disney World taken away from us because Disney cares more about politics than happy guests."

How many times do we hear this same empty threat from so many people? They've pissed me off so many times, but if they do it like 10 to 15 more times we're leaving! He gives so many examples of changes he finds unacceptable but in so many words says he's not leaving just yet.

Then in the second sentence he says "taken away from us." No one told him he's not welcome at Disney other than himself.

This reminds me of one my favorite quotes from a guest Tommy about the closing of Geauga Lake.

"Cedar Fair ruined this park and they're not going to get another dime from me. We will never go to Cedar Point again. When we want to ride roller coasters, we will drive all the way to King's Island."

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82

kpjb's avatar

Pirates used to be one of my favorite attractions. My family would always ride it first on our first day at the Magic Kingdom. Now, we do not even ride it every trip. When my family rides Pirates now, each of the changed scenes takes us out of the illusion because they remind us of reality and the politics that forced the changes.

I get it, man. I miss the scene where you could purchase women for a life of slavery and rape, too. If there's one thing that says family fun to me, it's slavery and rape. What am I supposed to tell my boys when they ask why they can't purchase a fine redheaded woman to do their manual labor and sexual bidding? Damn libs screwing everything up.


Rose! It is 2 AM! What are you still doing up?

Well I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd get up and make a batch of Sparhuven Krispies. It's an ancient Scandinavian midnight snack.

I guess after a night of pillaging and raping, a Viking wants a little something to go with his cocoa.

Jeff said:

These are my people...

I am not sure what that means. This is somewhat in jest but are tattooed waitresses are you people? What does that make non-tattooed waitresses - your enemy?

Jeff's avatar

That's a pretty stupid question. They're people I identify with. Do you really think people I don't identify with are my enemy?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

The statement "these are my people" just seems odd to make in regards to people with tattoos. Anyone can get a tattoo so saying someone who has one is part of your tribe seems pretty vague and would include people that I don't think you would say are your people.

Not everyone who has a tattoo is a "good" person in the same way as not everyone without a tattoo is a "good" person.

Last edited by Shades,
TheMillenniumRider's avatar

Jeff said:

That's a pretty stupid question. They're people I identify with. Do you really think people I don't identify with are my enemy?

That is more or less how all of the wars have started, and probably most if not all major conflicts. ;)

Jeff's avatar

I identify with parents who have kids with autism, too. They're also my people. Do I think parents of neurotypical kids are my enemy? That's stupid, right? I'm sure there are parents in that group that are terrible people, as is the case with any group.

You're really over-thinking it.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

My people are awesome!

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

Jeff said:

You're really over-thinking it.

Have you seen the Shanghai thread?

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