Disney drops religious services at Orlando resort

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

After a Christmas Day service at the Contemporary Resort, the Disney World resort does not plan to have an organized Christian worship at the resort until Easter. Disney officials cited problems with space and said it no longer seemed appropriate to hold worship services for only two religions when plenty of churches and synagogues surrounding the resort could meet the need. Two Catholic Masses and one nondenominational Protestant service had been held at the Polynesian Luau resort since 1975. Christmas and Easter services will continue.

Read more from AP via The Naples Daily News.

boblogone's avatar
I thought Paul McCartney "used to say live and let live" but he is older now. ;) *** This post was edited by boblogone on 12/27/2002. ***

As a very secular "generalist" I need to ironically point out that not all Christians share the views of what I call "Uber Christians", or Christians with a capital "H" (for hypocrite). If all Christians stopped supporting Disney, Disney would no longer exist.

"She said to me oh I love it when you're mean,
don't you know it's boring when it's quiet and serene.
I said to her no way baby, life ain't what it seems,
Well don't you know baby that life is a scream!" - Gordon Gano

I always knew that mouse was a tool of the devil.

'I've even got love for Canada'- Har Mar Superstar 'Brand New Day'

I didn't say anything good or bad about the subject CoastaPlaya. So don't say i did when i didn't.
Oh and by the way Coastaplaya if anyone is a biggot it must be you . If my simple little statement can make you judge and jury over me maybe you need to check yourself out. I have a right to my concepts and so do you but if that is to much for you to take then all i can say is "to ****ing bad"!
Jeff's avatar

You should quit while you're behind.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

Behind who?
rollergator's avatar
Jeff said: "people who say things like that imply that those not subscribing to the same faith don't have 'family values' or good moral standards".

edit: I probably would've even gone so far as to use another word in place of *imply*....they come right out and shout it from the rooftops! Idiots....as always, IMO, YMMV, offer void where prohibited by law, etc., etc.

I thought that was SO well-said I even *quoted* it....catch a clue, they're flying around this place like flies....not everyone is a *fundamentalist* who thinks "THEIR way or the highway" is a perfectly reasonable argument....;)

Carson Palmer wins Heisman, although not as close as predicted...
Recommended viewing: Cartoon Network's New Year's Eve Bash, featuring Carl and Brak from Adult Swim....
*** This post was edited by rollergator on 12/28/2002. ***

It's possible that there ARE indeed space constraints, as the Poly is being renovated right now.

This is straying further and further from the topic guys.

"We don't sit on your dining room table, so please don't sit on our silver handrails"

I always knew this day would come, as long as I've tried to avoid it. I guess I have a closet of my own to walk out of...not one of sexual preference (a slightly more hetero than necessary male) but as the oxymoron of oxymorons: a thinking Christian man. That's right--your pastor's worst freakin' nightmare.

I never really wanted to do this, as the name 'Christian' has been tarnished by small-minded mouth-breathers whose lips move when they read to themselves. I'm still the same fun-loving smartaleck. I hope no one thinks any differently of me for doing what I'm about to do--but I just might scare you, and I apologize in advance. Go read the pancake thread again, it will make you feel better. I'll link you to something else funny too. I promise.

As for Bat Rider...it's time to dust off your copy of the Bible, slide the the family photos from between the pages and struggle to find the various books, chapters and verses so I can ram that thing right down your throat.

Many sanctimonious pinheads point to the Law of Moses to bolster their hatred for homosexuality (Lev 20:13) without ever looking three measly verses back (Lev 20:10) to read that adultery is just as wrong in God's eyes. So before you go casting stones at the homosexuals, toss a big one at Uncle Tony who made that 'little one-time mistake'--in God's eyes, he's no better. God doesn't care that he got a little bah-whomp-a-whomp with a girl instead of a guy. It's all right there.

But wait, there's more. The Christ said that anyone who remarries on any basis besides infidelity is an adulterer, too. (Matthew 5:32) So about Auntie Claire with the 'irreconciliable difference' thing? That's right--POW. Why not make it a little more interesting and throw the first one at those swollen ankles?

I think your angry mob of hypocrites would tire themselves out bashing each other, various clergymen and the other heterosexual sinners who--per the word of God--aren't one bit better.

Do you call yourself a Christian because you follow Christ and accept him in your life? Wow. What a privilege for Him. Why don't you make yourself acceptable to him instead? (1 Peter 2:21; Luke 9:23)

You know who Jesus had a real problem with? People in his day who were pious, uptight, judgmental hypocrites. They used religion to promote themselves above other people (Matthew 23:2,5-7) and looked down on others who didn't see things the way they did (John 7:47-49). While Jesus reached out in love to others, the Pharisees scorned him (Luke 15:1,2). You know where Jesus said those folks were gonna go? (Matthew 23:27,28,33) Surprise, surprise.

Sorry to everyone that was shocked to see this in one of my posts. Hey, I went easy. You didn't hear me ask anything really nasty that would make most, if not all of you squirm. Trust me--I'm resisting the urge. Don't make me do this again.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 12/28/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar
You need someone to hold the wheel while you're giving *direction*? Thanks, 'Playa....

bill, one of those who happily admits to living in a glass house...once I'm perfect (yeah right!), only THEN would I begin looking for others of *lower moral stature*...to help guide them, not to "hit 'em with a stick"...that's the difference between the *regular* Cartman and the one from the parallel universe...;)

This JUST in: Jesus (perhaps "Christians" have heard of him) had not word one to say against homosexuality. Could it be that HE recognized the NBA's *No harm, no foul* rule 2,000 years before Dick Bavetta? Seriously, how DO people decide that *someone else's behavior* qualifies as a sin....isn't that between the individual and the God of THEIR understanding....

bill, sorry to keep this going, but my OWN MOTHER forwarded me an e-mail recently which I considered *fundamentalist-offensive*....we've talked since then, and are cool again, but in MY social circle, the 10% thing is a serious underestimation...;) *** This post was edited by rollergator on 12/29/2002. ***


I want to commend you on your well written, well thought out (not that your others are not) response. I am not Christian or any "set" religion for that matter. But I will say that if more Christians spoke and more importantly, behaved in a "Christian" manner, there would be fewer people like me, who believe in the "golden rule", but can't get past it's selective administration.


Interesting statement, Gator Boy--but cutting it really close to 'lawyer-ese'. While He may not have specifically spoken against homosexuality, He lived by and fully supported a Law Code that did. (Matthew 5:17,18) There are other NT passages that speak pointedly and in rather unflattering terms about it as well.

Nevertheless, infidelity in all of its forms was still condemned--whether it's heterosexual, homosexual, incestual or anything short of interaction between a married man and woman. So anyone who singles out one of these acts but excuses any of the others is a big, fat hypocrite.

(Warning: The following is an attempt to drag things back to the theme park milieu) At least a homosexual couple just might think twice before playing tounge-twister, bump-and-grind, grip-the-appendage or any other nauseating behavior far too many hetero couples indulge in while waiting in a queue. Just because you're of opposite sexes doesn't mean I wanna see alla that. Get a Room and a Clue!


(who had to rush his kids out of the car this summer before they saw the humping teens in the SUV across the lane)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 12/29/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

I guess that's where I see the *fine line* as being a mile-wide canyon....I have a hard time seeing the *Old Law* and the *New Law* as being that similar. Proscriptions against pork and seafood could also be defended on those grounds, couldn't they? Since the WORDING as well as the CONTENT has in fact been edited throughout history for political and financial gain, my gut instinct tells me the final arbiter of Right and Wrong MUST be the individual. Society has the right, and the obligation, to enforce MAN'S law, and I guess I just see WAY too much of Caesar trying to force his way into what is NOT Caesar's domain....

I guess for me "Science and Technology" also affect the interpretation...for me I don't want a *partner* who's gonna be *subservient* to my will, nor do I want someone else deciding whether MY beliefs and judgements measure up to THEIR guidelines of "morality". I'm one of those hippies that believes the *First do no harm* of the Hippocratic Oath as much as the *Judge not lest ye be judged*....

I'm not saying I don't see where you're coming from, just that I really DO believe that Jesus was WAY more *radical* then than I ever could be now...;)

See, I really didn't want to quote specific NT passages on the subject but if I gotta go to Romans 1:22-27 than I guess I have to. It was quite specifically denounced and in even more forthright terms elsewhere--but my point was, so are many other things. You can't pick and choose which one you don't like.

Furthermore, the assignment of a male as a head hardly meant a wife was subservient. Again, there's where the narrow-minded misuse the Scriptures for their own ends. A careful study of actual examples would show you a different story completely. Even from earliest times, she was ascribed honor (Proverbs 31:10,11,28), her opinions and thoughts were very important and a smart husband minded what she said (Genesis 21:9-12; 27:46-28:1) just like today. In the NT, men were obligated to love their wives not just as they loved themselves (Eph 5:28,29) but also to express the same love for their wives as the Christ expressed for his congregation (Eph 5:25). In effect, that makes the entire Gospel account the training manual for a Christian husband. And if he abuses that responsibility, even his prayers to God are rejected. (1 Peter 3:7b)

You see, the real mile-wide canyon is the difference between what people say about the Bible and what it actually says. Just as there was a vast difference between the Law of Moses as it was written and what the religious leaders had mucked it up into by the time Jesus arrived, there's a vast gulf between true Biblical Christianity and they smeared-up muck that passes for it these days. Jesus wasn't a radical--it's the world around him that was way off kilter. He came with the same original subject matter they had in the first place.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 12/30/2002. ***

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