Disney breaks ground in Hong Kong

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Disney and government officials attended an official ground breaking ceremony in Hong Kong yesterday to kick off the construction of the new theme park there. The park is expected to open in two to three years and create 18,000 new jobs.

Read more from People's Daily.

18,000 new jobs. I wonder what their minimum wage is in Hong Kong.
$1.37 an hour.
john peck's avatar
The broke the ground? Boy, I hope they can fix it.
John Peck.......LMAO! too funny!
Well since this seems to be a scaled down version of the Magic Kingdim we will see what happens. I will say that becuase of how people all over the world will do anything for American stuff they may just love it and it will do fine. We will have to wait and see.

Have you hugged a Beemer today?

Well if it's truley a scaled down version of the Magic Kingdom then I see no reason for me to visit. Because the Magic Kingdom wasn't all that big. But what does it matter, any amusement park in Hong Kong would do great.

"Johnny Quest is usually right, so just smile and nod ya head.
Hatters get pimp slaped and remain unfed".

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