Disney- MGM STUDIOS 1-4-03

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rail junkie's avatar
My girl friend & I arrived at MGM around 10:07 Am.
Our first ride of the day a ride on Rock'n' Roller Coaster.Which is an indoor coaster were you sit in a huge limo.That takes you to the Aerosmith convert which is much better than the Space Mountain at disney World.It was about a 60 minute wait to ride Rock'n' Roller Coaster, But it's well the wait.I really recomend you on getting a Fastpass for Rock'n' Roller Coaster around 3:00pm.So you won't have to wait in the long lines later on in the day.They have a intendant at the entrance of the coaster.Were they take your fast pass and they don't have a fastpass row. Which works out much better than the way that SFA dose thier Fastpass.Because when you are getting up to were the rows are.There is a ride intendant will ask on how many in your group and then tells you which row to go to. I realy think that SFA should see on how Disney MGM Studios dose thier Fastpass.Ands change the way SFA does thier Fastpass.After a Coaster ride it was off for another ride.But this time a ride on The Tower Of Terror witch drops you 13 stories.And also drops you 7times i a row. And The Tower Of Terror was only a 40 minute wait.And we also took in Muppet 3D vision wich is a very neat 3D film.We ended our day at MGM with 2 back-back rides on Rock'n' Roller Coaster.

*** This post was edited by rail junkie on 1/21/2003. ***

*** This post was edited by rail junkie on 1/21/2003. ***

Dude, learn how to spell! The next(or first) time you fill out an application for a job they are going to wipe their butts with the paper you just filled out.
Ride of Steel's avatar

rail junkie said:
Tower of Terror witch drops you 13 stories.

We know what tower of terror is. Nice TR but tell us about your personal experiences rather than describing the rides because most of us know all about them. Just explain what you ride was like, how long you waited, and if you liked it or not.

Just an idea ;)

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