Discounts on Cedar Point Hotels?

Are there any sites where I can find discount prices on hotels owned by Cedar Point, specifically Hotel Breakers or Sandcastle Inn?


The only discounts you will find on the CP resorts are in the Getaway Guide from CP itself. I think there's a "second night" discount for the early part of the season and also some packages. That's about it.

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

If anyone is taking a group to CP, be sure to check out Breakers Express. My father is taking a group of around 40 there and he told me he got $12 a person for 4 people per room. I think that's a real deal!

- Peabody

Lord Gonchar's avatar

We just booked rooms at Breakers for the end of June. It's just me and my wife going, but the room was only $105 a night. You'd be hard pressed to find a decent hotel in most cities for $105 a night, let alone staying right on property at CP. Call and ask, you'll probably find a rate that works for you.

Breakers Express is a good alternative but nothing beats being right on property. The convenience is priceless- my wife is GM for a hotel and we could easily get free rooms in Sandusky, but are more than glad to pay for the added convenience of staying a few feet from the park. It makes a good rest stop for those long 12 or 13 hour CP days or a good "changing room" if you decide to ride water rides or check out Soak City. I'd recommend staying at Breakers or Sandcastle over just about any other option for anyone spending more than a day at the Point.

Back on topic: give them a call, the rates aren't too bad to begin with. If you find a discount, then even better! :)


CPLady's avatar

I was (pleasantly) surprised to find a discount "flyer" for hotels and admission to CP in one of those mailings we get tons of. It was in one of the envelopes full of coupons we get once a week. Many people just throw those out without even opening them. So, Michigandars, make sure you go through your junk mail. I'm happy to get a discount on the resorts.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

breakers express wants $99.00 for june 7th,that's high for a budget! go to they have coupons,you save up to 20% a night for local hotels!

*** This post was edited by Larry E. Wasserman on 5/28/2002. ***

In the Columbus Dispatch (the Weekender section) they have $20 off each night for any CP hotel. That is what I used and it helped a lot!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

Surprise! another CP hotel thread.

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