Hey I know what your going through, Mooreon. I had a friend who I havent seen in years, who lives in Texas and invited me to come down. Turns out, that she lives not that far from SixFlagsoTexas. So, I was hyped cause I wanted to ride Titan and the Texas Giant. Turns out, my friend wanted *more* from me than I was expected to give and I wasnt havent that. SO, that trip was cancelled. But I know I will eventually make it down there.
MooreOn said:
I really didn't argue too much with them because if I wasn't an enthusiast, I wouldn't see the point of driving 2 and a half hours out of my way for a single roller coaster either.
My friends and I said the same thing about Shivering Timbers. But to answer the question is one coaster worth driving that long distance and in Shivering Timbers case........ABSOULTELY:)
Dayuum, Your HOT!
*** This post was edited by Coasterr on 6/22/2001. ***