"Dirty" amusement park advertising

Good Point allenpanther. And considering that I keep finding people who say "I am NOT going back to that park. I'll go to Cedar Point", I don't think they are gonna find too many people who will drive past CP to go to SFWoA.

...and welcome to coasterbuzz

Six Flags, the only chain of parks that can manage to have stacking with a one train operation.

Isnt SFWoA playing the commercials with the musicians at all? I know SFGAm only plays these commercials all the time.

I like them.

Scott--- Who drove past CP to go to SFWoA. I came from Chicago so I had no choice. I hit CP the next day

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I got to see thew commercial (and heard a similar radio spot) while in the Cleveland area specifically on our CP/SFWOA trip. I had read about them on coasterbuzz but until you see/hear them for yourself you still can't realize how ridiculous they are.

Not sure if it really is "dirty" or not - seems like Six Flags knows who the top dog in the area is and any correlation the consumer may draw between the two only helps them.

Chitown, we were only in town 2 days but I never saw a "musician" ad for SFWOA - it was always the "dirty" one. I see the SFGAdv here in the Philly market about 3 times a day and rather than going that route, it seemed to me SFWOA was using a totally different approach. I guess they want SFMM to be the big west coast park, SFGAdv to be the east coast flagship and SFWOA to corner the midwest market.

Dorney Park visits in 2002: 15

In Pittsburgh, SFWoA hasn't run a musician commercial since about May. They've either been running the Coke ad (which isn't mudslinging, just features all the coasters, and a few wildlife shots) or the mudslinger.

Like others here, I don't feel this park has earned the right tot put that ad on the airwaves and until it does, how bout making your product better instead of trying to show how bad the competitions is? I thought the point of competition was to fuel the improvement of products and SERVICES ... oh I'm sorry did I emphasize that last word?

Pardon me if this has already been said (I didn't read the whole thread), but you notice two things...

They technically do not say anything bad about CP in the commercial. They are not saying that CP is bad, they are saying that SWoA is better. Not slander in that case.

And before you flame keep in mind, I am not saying that SWoA is better... I am simply saying that is how they get around it in the commercial.

As for the "driving right past CP"... Well, I've driven past Hersheypark (perhaps not right past... but on roads that took me past it with in a few miles) on my way to Dorney Park and Knoebels. Nothing against Hershey (afterall, its my home park), we just happened to be going to those other two parks and our routes took us past Hershey. Same with PKD... drove "right past it" on our way to BGW. Nothing against PKD, just not going there on that trip.

It is amazing how they can twist words around in commercials.

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Don't you guys ever get sick of this CP/SFWoA b.s.?


"Back in '84 I used to wear K-Swiss."

Dirty advertising: from the topic I was half expecting something along the lines of moustached men happily chirping, "Six Flags Worlds of Adventure has the best glory holes!"

FP - Hilarious. Way too much.

"Look outside, I know that you'll recognize it's summertime." - The Flaming Lips "It's Summertime (throbbing orange pallbearers)"

The last couple of seasons before it closed, Americana advertised that their rides had much shorter lines than Kings Island's. Unfortunately, it was a little too much truth in advertising. Since they've reopened, Lesourdsville hasn't mentioned the competition in their ads.

BrandonR said:
"You know what other commercials are having to resort to mudslinging to advertise? Mac. Those new crappy commercials are idiotic. "I'm too stupid to tie my shoes or be able to turn on a PC, but I like my Mac!" What an inferior product."

Whatever dude... Have you used an OSX machine?

LIke the commercials, I to was a PC/AS400 programmer. When I started working for a local web company who used Macs, I was hesitant.

Now I own two macs and 2 PCs. The G4 powerbook is the best machine on the market IMO. Use it, learn it, love it.

oh, and I can't see how this machine is inferior since has never crashed or locked up since I bought it in december of last year. (honestly, I have "Kernel Panic'd" it twice. But that is caused by pulling the firewire cable out of the back during data transmission). I can run almost any windows app, unix app, and mac app for OSX or older MacOS.

Among other things, I am also running apache server on this machine so I can use almost any server app avaliable.

This one machine, only an inch thick.. blows away any PC I currently own (and use) or have ever owned.

Please understand what you are talking about before you flame a guys machine :)

(I wrote this all in good taste... NOTE: this is not meant to offend or flame, it is just a responce.)

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