Dippin' Dots Down Under

G'day. I didn't know if this qualified as a trip report or not :). Anyways I visited a nearby mall that hadn't been to for years. Much to my surprise they had a DD kiosk. I asked the girl behind the counter when it opened. She said a few months ago. I said that on the US theme park forums they talk about DD often.

Always thought that would get to try them out the next time I was in the States. Well, now was my chance to find out what the fuss was about.

I sampled vanilla, it was like eating dry ice at first, then really delicious as it melted in my mouth. Then tried Banana Split, judging from the colours in it, it had chocolate, strawberry, vanilla & banana. Was ok.

They have three sizes;

Kiddie, about 2oz, A$2.50 or US$1.27
Regular, about 4oz, A$4.00 or US$2.03
Large, about 6oz, A$5.50 or US$2.79

Now, those prices are the same as regular, proper icecream in waffle cones. They're double that of icecreams on sticks, eg. Magnum, Cornetto.

I bought a regular cup, half vanilla & half mint/chocolate. Thought I was being ripped off for such a small cup, but it's really filling & tasty. Especially as it melts a bit.

Will be going back to try other flavours & the shakes!

They really ought to lose the slogan, 'Ice cream of the future.' It's so 80's for cryin' out loud.

Hope you enjoyed my 'theme-park related food report.' :)


*** This post was edited by Taipan on 12/24/2001. ***

What is this stuff "the ice cream of the future" Is it dehyrated ice cream, space food or something?
Home Park: Wonderland Sydney, Australia
Those prices are really cheap compared to the US! For a small cup of Dippin' Dots at SFStL, it's about $3.50 or $4.00 for a small and around that area they're about $3.00 I think. You're lucky you got them for that price!
*** This post was edited by Benjih1043 on 12/24/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Benjih1043 on 12/24/2001. ***

Ice cream of the future? I think they mean ICE of the future.

I liked them the first time I tried them, but then I realized I had just paid $4 for flavored ice balls.


It is regular ice cream but in little dots, hence the name Dippin' Dots.
02 parks: SFFT, SWSA, VL, and SFOG!
They are NASTY!!! Now Australia has been subjected to this wannabe version of ice cream? Oh the humanity!!!!

Note: This is just my opinion. If you like them(which alot of people do) dont tear into me about it.
""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 12/24/2001. ***

I like dippin dots, but I dont buy them cuz their too darn expensive.  Especially since the only place to get them here in Gurnee, IL (that I have found) is SFGAm, and Marcus Movie Theater at Gurnee Mills. 
stoogemanmoe's avatar
Chitown, I'm with you bubba. Dippin' Dots are nasty and sooooo expensive ( if you can find them) My mall used to have them and now nowhere that i know of has them. Maybe they are fading into the 80's? One could only hope :).

Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

Those prices may be cheap in the US, but not down under! The large cup will get you a large Big Mac meal! Our 'pacific peso' is only worth half a greenback. :(

Yep, that means if you come here on vacation, everything is 'half-price.' :) If you want a reason to do so, make it to visit Dreamworld & ride the tallest free fall in the world - the Giant Drop at 390ft. Also to ride the only other Reverse Freefall - Tower of Terror. Then there is Cyclone, a very unique coaster.


BTW Chitown, do you define 'nasty' as in 'yuck' or what? :)

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