Digital Camera, Scanner, or other?

What is your favorite way of uploading pictures you took at amusement parks onto your websight?

Well, I just bought an EPSON Perfection 1640SU Photo scanner at a rather hefty price. It has a transparency unit which lets you scan negatives and the quality is unbelievable, a little too good for my purpose. I scan my 35mm film with ease and get spectacular results and the software is great. The only downside is the excessive amount of time it takes to scan at high quality. Also, I still have to pay for film. :(
NoRulz2K, i bought the same type of scanner, but the model down. I really think digital cameras are the easiest to use than a scanner.It doesn't take long to load pictures from the camera to your computer. A scanner is much cheaper though. I guess it depends on how much money you're willing to spend.

Webmaster:SFGAm 2001

I used a scanner before, but I was having trouble saving , so I am buying a digital camera instead. Much easier to use. Just shoot, plug it in, and there are ur pics.
Accually, I would say it is how much money you are willing to risk. If you take a digital camera on a coaster, and lose it, that would waste a lot of money. If you take a film camera on, lose it, you lose a little money. Scanners should never be on a coaster, so I hope you don't bring it on one! Then you'll never lose your scanner.

V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there!
Hehe. I've a scanner, since it takes a while to scan in photos & to save money on developing costs, been thinking of buying a digital camera.

Australia's No.1 Coaster Nut
Jeff's avatar
Digital cameras are getting better and better, but even though I bought a near-top shelf rig (Nikon Coolpix 990), it's still just a step below where I'd like. Understand that I like to make prints, and it's still just a little less contrasty than film.

I love my Canon Elan IIe (or any SLR) because I can use different lenses for different things. Combined with my Nikon Coolscan III, I can do 8x10 prints at home that look as good as regular photographic prints, only I'm the lab guy making the color decisions. The resolution there is insane. Check this sample out, noting that the inset eye on the parrot (from BGW) is at the native resolution of the scanner:

And I was 20 feet from the bird. :)

Webmaster/Admin -
All my pics are taken with an Olympus D-340L or Fuji FinePix 1400, both digital cameras. The 340L WAS "high end" back when I bought it. The Fuji, which is roughly equivalent, is considered a starter camera. (The Olympus has served me well for many years, and I still have it; the Fuji is a loaner from a friend who runs a PDA/digital camera & accessories side business -- I use the camera in exchange for providing her sample images and user help)

All shots I take are postprocessed in Adobe Photoshop 4.0 (I really should upgrade someday) and IrfanView, and I'll probably be adding PIE to my arsenal (it's cheap and has some useful features).

I'm looking to upgrade cameras soon, and will probably end up with two digital cameras. I want a Canon PowerShot S100 digital Elph (or equivalent form factor), which are nice small rugged cameras, perfect for amusement park use, but NOT what I'd want for use in other situations.

Oh, and I have an old Umax 1220P scanner as well. :)

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 4/18/2001. ***
My new Dell computer came with a complimentary HP scanner that is awesome. I have been able to do great things for my website using it. If I had a digital camera, I think it would be easier since it would eliminate the process of getting the film developed and scanning the prints. I like using my cheapo camera though because I don't hesitate to use in for on-ride pics where I'd be much more careful with a digital camera, and would not be likely to take them on roller coasters.

Webmaster: Theme Park New England
I'm too poor to use digital...I use a "top of the line" Kodak Advantix disposable camera, hehehe. I then scan those pics onto my website. Although it's the lowest line of cameras possible, I have gotten some good shots with them. They are also better for on-ride photos IMO, because they are easier to use and much less costly if you happen to drop it mid-ride. In a few days I'll have some pics up from IOA and Sea World on my site, I got an awesome shot from the front seat of the Ice Dragon of the Fire Dragon train barreling right toward us on the straightaway before the loop.

"When they come for me I'll be sittin at my desk, with a gun in my hand wearing a bulletproof vest!"
-Catch 22
kOrN- What's your site?

Jeff- Your parrot link dosen't work for me...any one else?

I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, whom I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
Jeff's avatar
Your browser might not like FTP sites. Trust me, it's there.

Webmaster/Admin -
Well I've got CRAPPY STUPID AOL! Sorry, just got a little excited there. Man I can't stand AOL...

I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, whom I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
If you have a different browser such as Neo Planet, You will be able to view the perdy parrot. Jeff, thats one amazing zoom! How many times was the camera zoomed in? Let me clarify, How powerful of a lens did you use?
What are you going to do with the pictures?
For "real" pictures, I use a real my case a Pentax K-1000 works very nicely; I have a couple of lenses for it, probably use my Promaster 28mm-80mm the most.
But most of the time what I want to do is videotape, so I have a Mini-DV (DV-25) video camera. It's only got 720x486 resolution for stills, but I can capture any frame of video or I can capture stills on tape. Disadvantage is that at full resolution I can get some nasty jaggies because of interlacing. But the only thing I really want to do with digital pictures is put them on the computer or on my web page, and on the web page I am more likely to want to use a half-size or smaller image anyway. So the limited resolution isn't such a problem.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Jeff's avatar
The lens I used for the parrot photo was my Canon 70-300mm f/4-5.6, zoomed in all the way, if I remember correctly. Film was Fuji 400, which as you can see by the inset, has amazing grain characteristics. It's really not any worse than 100 film. I also used the built-in flash, which I think saved the photo from certain dark doom.

Webmaster/Admin -
Intamin2K, I'll have to second that. I cannot stand AOL.

I have just bought a scanner, an Astra2100U to be exact. It's a cheap $30 one, but as long as I can scan pictures for my upcoming gallery on my web site, I'll take it.

I am having trouble making adjustments to the images though. It always messes up the color when I change the extension to a .GIF, because that is needed to upload to my site host.

I would love to buy a digital camera, but because I'm 15 years old, and the outrageous prices nowadays, I'm too poor. :)

-Eric L.
Coming soon!

IrOnDrAGoN24 said:
"Intamin2K, I'll have to second that. I cannot stand AOL.

Guys, I could NOT stand AOL, so I got Netzero and Juno. They work VERY well, as long as you have a pretty recent version of IE. Just download one of those.

*hates his 56k modem*
May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"
Jeff's avatar
Photos should never be posted as GIF's, as the compression is optimized for solid colors and lines. Also, changing the file name doesn't instantly make it that format.

Webmaster/Admin -
Hey thanks Jeff, I looked back and noticed I can use JPG's. Thanks for pointing that out.

-Eric L.
I like digital cameras because they are much quicker than taking normal film to be developed and then scanning it. Some people say you save on film, but digital cameras cost more so I think basically you pay for "developing" up front. Also, with memory cards you can take many more pictures than what will fit on a roll of film and if you're only going to use them for the web you don't need to take the highest quality either. With a 64 meg card I can take over 300 pictures at 1024x768, which is the maximum needed for a website. I like being able to see if a picture came out right after taking it too, if it's bad I can delete/retake the shot.

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