digital camera or Film

Those of you who think the woman getting hit by the cell phone is a "freak accident" need to realize: What if you were the recipient of that phone to the skull? Would you still be so quick to dismiss it as a non-issue?

And think about this...

A woman's skull is fractured by a dropped cell phone on a roller coaster. But it's okay. It's just a freak accident.

90 people are injured when a railing collapses at a soccer game. But it's okay. It's just a freak accident.

An airplane crashes. 300 people die. But it's okay, just a freak accident.

Thousands die when a Chinese dam collapses. But it's okay. It's just a freak accident. Where do you want to draw the line here?

"Freak accidents" could be the end of your life. That's why there are rules against carrying cameras, cell phones, anything on coasters. The sad thing is that the people who break the rules are never the ones who get hurt.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard *** This post was edited by Lynch on 8/13/2001. ***

BrandonR said:
Last I checked not too many cell phones had wrist straps and people secured them to themselves. Cell phones != cameras.

Actually, my cellphone DOES have a wrist strap. :) I DO realize you said "not too many", as opposed to "none".

Well said, Lynch. Yes, the incident on Villain was a freak occurrance, but it demonstrates all too clearly why ALL items should be SECURE. Too many people attempt stupid stunts like sneaking disposable cameras (and "not too many" of THOSE have straps, either) on rides.

Jeff's avatar
I've dodged my share of flying "stuff" on Millennium Force, and that's a ride where they watch what you bring on. If I get hurt because of something you lose on a ride, I will sue the pants off of you.

I grow really tired of enthusiasts who think they know better than the parks when it comes to what is acceptable riding behaviour.


I prefer to shoot on film whenever I can because the resolution is still better than a digital camera (and I even have a Nikon). I can use my SLR with different lenses and then I can use my Nikon negative scanner to see stuff a digital camera could never get with today's technology. Here's the example I like to use:

That's a parrot I shot at BGW. The image you're looking at is only 600 pixels wide, but the inset close-up of the eye is the native resolution of the scanner, six times what you're seeing in the rest of the photo. That's amazing detail most people never realize is on the film.

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"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Which Nikon Scanner is that Jeff?

And How much better is it than the HP Photosmart s20 you used to use?
Lynch -

Chill out dude. A freak accident is not a tropical storm, that's a disaster, which ain't no freak accident. A freak accident is like a bird smacking your windshield well you are driving and you lose control and spin out, and hit another car.

And your saying that "An airplane crashes. 300 people die. But it's okay, just a freak accident." Dude, I know that's not a freak accident. That's an accident. You need to chill out. Now who would be stupid to say that an airplane crash is a freak accident? You are getting too "carried away." Relax.

I have a cell phone. I wouldn't be such a jerk to pull it out on a lift hill and talk to someone while I'm on the ride. There is no point talking to a friend on a coaster. No person would be stupid enough to pull out their cell phone will on a ride, well maybe a total idiot would do that but not the average person.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
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*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 8/13/2001. ***
If you obey the rules, then I'm not talking to you, am I?

We've been down this road here many times before. Even though pretty much all the members of this site consider themselves "enthusiasts," a frighteningly high number think it's okay to try to take pictures, stand up, what have you on coasters, and those are the things that'll injure you and the other innocent riders...

And yet, when someone gets hurt on a coaster, everyone here goes on some big rant about "Rides are safe! Markey's going to be all over this!" And yet, most of the times - this year excluded, the S:RoS, Boulderdash, and Goliath incidents, etc. - whose fault is it? The riders.

And why wouldn't a plane crash be a "freak accident?" That's not something that happens every day, and that's what the definition of "freak" is: something unusual. I knew a guy who was killed in the plane that crashed a few years back in Aliquippa, PA. While he wasn't a close family friend or anything like that, it's still a shock you have to experience to know.

Maybe I'm rambling, but the point is that any accidents that can be avoided - whether they be a fractured skull from a loose cell phone, a plane crash, or a DUI driver who goes out and kills a family - is the worst kind.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

Jeff said:
"I prefer to shoot on film whenever I can because the resolution is still better than a digital camera!"

Just to clarify slightly. The reason real photos are better is because there is no resolution. Photographs are continuous-tone.

And in regard to the freak accident comments: roller coaster crashes are freak accidents as well, does that mean the park should be lax on those safety rules as well? Follow the rules, less people will get hurt, more people will have fun.

"Looks like you've been missing quite a bit of work lately"
"Well, I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it, Bob."
Jeff's avatar
Very true... I guess I'm making reference to what is ultimately some digital use, such as posting to the Web or enlargements through the computer.

I guess if you wanted to be technical, you might look at "resolution" in film to be the degree to which you see grain, but that's another whole discussion.

StealthmF5m3: You have been walking on very shaky ground as of late. I think it's you who needs to relax.

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
I prefer Digital over film for the simple reason it is much more convenient to store, transfer and edit digital format than standard film. I also realize none of my pictures will make any magazines! :) While Digital is convenient, you give up resolution and clarity. Digital pictures just dont have the depth or detail that standard film has. (But it is getting closer). I will be happy when a digital camera has the same functionality of an old Cannon AE-1, but as I am using all my pictures in electronic media, it all works out for now.

What's the difference if it's a freak accident or not? You can still get hurt and die just the same in either situation. And that lady got a fracture just from a little cell phone. Imagine what would happen with a camera. You could possibly get decapitated if you get hit in the face by one of those.

And if you base "freak" in freak accidents as having little chance of happening, you make the chance greater by making the selfish decision of taking a camera on a roller coaster.

Son of Beast is what? That's the way I like it!
I take a camera on the ride and put the wrist strap around my wrist.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
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And do you do so with the permission of the park? THAT'S the ultimate issue here. Sure, YOU may have a strap, but what about the kid behind you who sees you have a camera, and assumes HE can take out HIS camera? It escalates...

When I took out my camera on DD, so I could take pics of the lifts, there was no one on the train(s) because I got there early in the morning. I ran to DD, and no one else could catch up with me. I was the only one in the station for about 10 minutes.

If you want to see the pics of the lifts, click on the link.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
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*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 8/13/2001. ***
I, for one, support Stealth here. He seems to be very logical AND safe in his dealings with pictures. I don't picture him the same way I picture some 13 year old kid that throws pennies on upside-down pirates ships or 16 year old kids that think its funny to flip off the on ride photo opportunity. This is a guy, IMO, that takes it on as a hobby. If he's safe and has permission from the park (and I'm not talking about some pimply faced 15 year old ride op), then he's completely within his rights.

Look at the quality of his photos and then tell me how you're gonna get some of those shots without guys like him.

Not to mention, POV videos (again, I repeat safely secured or mounted) are just ANOTHER way to help those that might be scared or frightened to give coasters a try!!

Let's quit bickering about this. We're all friends here and addicted to the same drug (coastermania!!). Can't we all just get along?

I rode "X" and never went upside down.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I have to agree with Lynch. The rules exist for a reason. If the park is ok with it, why do you have to sneak the cameras on? If you don't have to sneak the camera and there's no sign posted stating photography on the ride isn't allowed then I guess it's ok. With that said, I've yet to get on a ride that allowed you to board holding a camera in plain view.

On the other topic:

I guess the resolution for film would be the resolution of the scanner you scan the negative with. Sure the film itself has no resolution but to compare with digital images, you have to digitize the film, the resolution would be the same as the scanner that was used, correct?

On the flip side I've had prints made from images captured with a digital camera that look better than film prints.

Comes down to what works for you. Need very large prints? Then film. Need convience? Go digital.
Exactly. I have a digital camera, and though I'm not all that big in photography, have no need or want for a regular, film-using print camera. I never take pictures that I plan on getting developed; they're all either pictures of coasters or crazy follies that are perfectly fine being kept on my hard drive.

The point of me having a digital camera is convenience. If I had a normal cam, I'd have to get the film developed and scan it in on my slow, sub-par scanner, whereas with digital, I plug the USB cable into the side of the thing and I'm on my way. Plus, for an amateur photographer like myself, digital gives me the option of re-taking pictures I don't feel came out well. If I had a film camera all the times I've used my digital one, I would have probably taken half the number of pictures, and half of that wouldn't have come out as good as expected.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Film is a lot clearer to take photos of speed of a roller coaster train. The shutter speed on a SLR camera stops the train, which there is no fuzzy stuff in the image like in a digital camera image.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
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Jeff's avatar

mdrcoast said:
"I will be happy when a digital camera has the same functionality of an old Cannon AE-1..."
It exists, it's just that normal humans like you and I can't afford it! ;) Before I bought my Nikon 990, which I bought for use at IAAPA and was pleased with the quality (as well I should be for $1,000 at the time!), I did briefly toy with the idea of getting the then current Canon EOS model just so I could use my existing lenses, but seeing as how I just returned from Hawaii, $3,000 was a little out of my price range.

I am surprised to see how many pro newspaper guys are using Nikon D1's. I've seen them at all of the press events I've been to this year. Heck, the guy at the PKI announcement even had two of them!

I would use my Nikon 990 more often for "family use" if it had a better flash that could accommodate red eye reduction the way my Canon Elan IIe does. Wouldn't you know it, the newer 995 has just such a flash.

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Yup, the 995 is a really nice camera. I opted for my Olympus 3040 because I got tired of playing the waiting game, and it was the closest to my "perfect digital camera" at the time.

And guess what, 2 months after I got the 3040, the 4040 (same camera, only 4 megapixel instead of 3) ships, and the price on the 3040 drops. Sigh...

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 8/13/2001. ***
Jeff -

Most photographers, either sports or news, use a Nikon D1. It's a digital SLR. At Avalanche games that I went to, the photographers used a Nikon D1.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 8/13/2001. ***

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