Diamondback - Rattling Sound On First Drop?

obxKevin's avatar

The Hulk is the one and only B&M that has made my stomach do flip-flops. Bothered my partner too. Dragons, now... :)

Speaking of Dragons, which dragon did Fire morph into?

The poster formerly known as 'Zcorpius.' Joined 2004
Pagoda Gift Shop's avatar

I would imagine it will be the 'Chinese Fireball'. Ice will probably be the 'Hungarian Horntail'.

I have to imagine that the sound is indeed what others are saying, the airtime causes the train to ride on its under side wheels and then the noise is a combination of the train coming back to rest on its main wheels and the rollback dogs and chains dogs coming back to rest.

Talon makes a similar clicking noise when it is running slowly and starts to travel on its under-set of wheels through some parts of its course.

I don't know what it is about B&M sitdowns and hypers and vibrations though. It certainly seems like a maintenance issue. Nitro has had a very annoying vibration to it and so did diamondback when I road it (although not as severe).

The B&Ms like Kumba and Hulk had weird traits to them when I went down to flordia. On the first trip Kumba was glass smooth and hulk was extremely bumpy. The second trip a few years later it was exactly the opposite. Hulk was running flawless and Kumba wasn't feeling so great.

So not sure if the B&M trains just need extra love and attention or what the deal is with the extra vibrations they sometimes produce.

Jeff's avatar

Ugh... the wheels don't come off the track. Unless maintenance is pulling them off to replace them.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Thank you Jeff. It's the anti rollbacks clanging down at the bottom, Intimidator at Carowinds does it too without the shuffling.

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