Detroit zoo may close.

crazy horse's avatar
The zoo is in big money problems and may close down.

Here is a link to the story.

This is sad news.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

CPLady's avatar
I'm not sure how long this will stay open as it's not even close to being coaster related.

Yes, the city council has initially dropped the ball on this one, but the public outcry is loud and strong. Their excuse that they "didn't have enough time to review the proposal" was bullcrap since the proposal was given to them in November.

It all revolves around the city council wanting total control and to get money out of the deal, and considering the city council's past transgressions regarding money, All of us local to Detroit know how well the city handles things under their control (schools, Belle Isle, cultural centers like the science museum, etc). Pretty much everything they control ends up sucked dry.

I don't believe this will be one of them. The people have had enough.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

crazy horse's avatar
Well, it is a park that familys enjoy. And they do have some simulator rides kinda like star tours at mgm(not quite as good though).

I just hope that the city counsil can see past there own wallets and work this out. It is sad that we have already lost the bell isle aquarium and most of the recreation centers in/ around the city.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

The issue isn't so much a money problem (the zoo can get the money), as the city council won't chip in their 5 million, nor will they allow the DZS to pay that 5 mil (on top of the 17 they already provide).

In the end, I'm hoping this results in the dissolution of the Detroit City Council and a takeover by the state.

Jephry's avatar
I am one voice in the cry of a thousand. I've gone to the zoo as a kid, performed their as a teenager and an adult. I think it is sad because the Detroit Zoo has some amazing things for kids to see. Detroit already doesn't have that much for kids to do and so to close this would just suck. I mean, they closed the Belle Isle Zoo and I remember that being a great place for people who could not afford the Detroit Zoo or get out there. I guess we are too busy working on the Superbowl.
Unfortunately, it appears that one Council member Barbara-Rose Collins has brought race into the argument. Without knowing Detroit local politics, it is hard to understand how this will affect the discussion…? This is gaining National Press as I heard about it on Las Vegas radio this am...,2132,WXYZ_15924_4482423,00.html

*** Edited 2/21/2006 6:48:07 PM UTC by Jeffrey R Smith***

That's pretty funny. Its amazing how quickly the council throws race into any discussion that involves the suburbs.

Collins said, "The symbolism is that Detroit is a black city and that we’re unable to govern ourselves."

The funny part is, she's half right. The city IS unable to govern itself.

It seems that the city of Detroit is boiling the most ridiculous matters down to race and it's been getting NOTHING accomplished for a long time.

I have lived in suburban Detroit for my whole life and I think it's getting really ridiculous and really embarassing to see this kind of continued bigotry and disgust for it's own citizens.

I know for a fact that all of these union contracters and parts suppliers for the "new" city projects (Ford Field, Comerica Park, etc etc) are backing the construction workers and planners into a corner because the city is REQUIRING that they buy from suppliers owned and operated by African Americans. All people are doing is pointing out the race card every chance they get. If something is or isn't happening, it's ALWAYS the fault of the "other" side.

This is RIDICULOUS that everyone here has their heads so far up their (edit)s that they have successfully held the city back in the mid-1900s. I'm sick of it not progressing anywhere, and if anything, forcing places like the Detroit Zoo (where I have had annual membership for the last 20 years) is ATROCIOUS to our city and our city's future. At this point they might as well invite the suburban kids to just walk the streets now.

This is just another example in a long line of things that show just how antiquated and out of touch the Detroit City Council is with the city and it's residents. I saw the clip on the news this morning of the one that mentioned race and I couldn't believe it - yet at the same time I could. The city council members always cry something like that when they have no other real arguement on an issue.

Clearly the best thing to do for the city and it's residents that enjoy the zoo is to suck it up and let the state take it over. I mean, isn't that better than no zoo at all - or am I just not getting it? There are quite a few other zoos that are state run and are doing quite well. This is pathetic and the city council just makes me angry and I don't even live in that city. I am out in the sub-burbs, but I love that zoo.


It's not the citizens who have a problem with the state running the zoo (or the DZS or HCMP for that matter) its the fact that the council won't give up its stake. It would rather close the zoo than give up what little piece they have.

There is breaking news on the Free Press website about a new proposal going to the city council.

Jeff's avatar
That's absolutely pathetic. The Cleveland Metropark Zoo has gone through its share of nonsense, but it has always been backed by the good corporate citizens in town and a modest admission. It's a great zoo. Why can't that work in Detroit?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

joe.'s avatar
It could, but with Kwame Kilpatrick driving the 'burbs and larger corporations away like Coleman Young did, it doesn't look hopeful. Once Archer's work has worn off the city, it won't look good. Archer was the one who got Compuware to relocate, as well as got the casinos in.

As for the zoo, I hope it gets saved. I wish they could have saved the Belle Isle Aquarium.

Kwame Kilpatrick is a thug running a thug city, as far as I'm concerned. This is disgusting seeing yet more familial places going down the tubes.
Outside of the polar bear exhibit and a few others. The Detroit Zoo has been sort of degrading for a while.

I'm happy with the work others are doing to save the zoo. It needs some help, not only to stay open, but to look better as well. *** Edited 2/22/2006 1:24:39 AM UTC by gomez***

The Arctic Circle and Amphibian exibits are really the only great things. With the staple zoo animals, elephants and the rhino leaving in the past 5 years, the zoo has had some trouble. A zoo without elephants is just...weird.

As a metro-Detroit resident, I grew up with the zoo. I remember going there when I was really little. I was obcessed with the large fountain.

The Detroit City Council is as corrupt as Hitler. They just don't want to give up the zoo. A long time ago, the nearby Toledo zoo was suffering from the same problem. A private zoological society took over, and now it's in much better shape.

This is what needs to happen to the Detroit Zoo.

Along with this idea...put a roller coaster in. Anything of decent size would be huge for Detroit. It's two hours away from any great coaster.

Jephry's avatar
You say that Kwame is a thug mayor running a thug city? Is that what the suburbs think of Detroit? I come from the inner city of Detroit and I'm sorry, that city has made some huge improvements over the years. I've hated Detroit for a long time, but I can't even deny the fact that the city has changed a lot and will continue to change. That says a lot for the poorest city in the nation.

Now, I agree that this isn't an issue of race, but I definitely think people look down on Detroit a lot and that's probably where that anger comes from.

joe.'s avatar
Jephry, you can thank Dennis Archer for the advancements in Detroit. Once a lot of it was coming to a head, he ecided to not run again, as the city council is so corrupt. It was battling a four alar mfire with a sand bucket of water... but he did a lot of good.

Now, the current mayor is riding that wave of accomplishment like he had something to do with it. I mean, come on. His wife didn't need that Navigator.

My thought is Prince Kwame is a thug. (and he's the Prince because Coleman Young will always be the King... of destroying the city.)

Speaking of the Toledo Zoo, our media is already running away with the "now people from Detroit will have to come to our zoo and we can take their money" angle. I've never been to the Detroit Zoo, but I hope they can work their problems out.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

I went to Toledo Zoo four to five years back and it was much nicer than Detroit's.

For those who are not familar, Detroit Zoo is actually located in Royal Oak, a few miles outside of the city itself. *** Edited 2/22/2006 5:54:27 AM UTC by gomez***

Jephry's avatar

joe. said:
Jephry, you can thank Dennis Archer for the advancements in Detroit. Once a lot of it was coming to a head, he ecided to not run again, as the city council is so corrupt. It was battling a four alar mfire with a sand bucket of water... but he did a lot of good.

Now, the current mayor is riding that wave of accomplishment like he had something to do with it. I mean, come on. His wife didn't need that Navigator.

My thought is Prince Kwame is a thug. (and he's the Prince because Coleman Young will always be the King... of destroying the city.)

I definitely know that. Dennis, the guy they labeled an Uncle Tom for the longest time, was trying to bring all this commerce to Detroit and he did it. And I am not upset about calling Kwame a thug... he is more of a crook, but whatever.

When you call the city a thug city, I have a problem because you are commenting about the city and its people as a whole. And for someone like MForce2k, who says that there is no race problem, yet calls the city a thug city, I think that is kind of dirty. But you know, sweeping statements are always the best thing to make, right?

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