If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.
^Steve, with the traditional smart@$$ response. ;)
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Then there's the plan approval process itself. In PA at least, you have to deal with a local municipality (township, borough, or city), county, and state. There'll be environmental studies (any endangered species on your property?), traffic studies, impact studies, zoning regulations, soil conservation plans, possibly archaeological and historical issues (any native Americans once live on your site? or did Washington once sleep there?), zoning issues, and blah, blah, blah... it goes on.
And inevitably, someone will complain that your presence is going to ruin their lives, devalue their property, put too many cars down their road, suck all the water out of their well... So you'll probably end up with some grass roots organization fighting you every step of the way. Of course, they're the same people who usually complain there are no jobs or nothing to do in their area.
After a few years, you might finally get approval and blessing from everyone, and you can actually start moving ground. Of course, during that time, you're paying interest on the land, attorney, engineering and other professional fees-- all this long before you ever get to make a penny off the site.
Good luck.
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