Demo Released

Yes, step 1 -- verify you have the latest drivers for your video card.

Failing that, you have two choices for Step 2:

a. Go out and drop cash on a new video card so that you can run the demo, or

b. Wait for the retail version to come out and see if that runs. It's quite possible that the version that ships will be more optimized and not require you to get the video card.

With choice a, there's a chance you'll decide you don't like the game after all, and now you've spent a not-insignificant chunk of change. With choice b, you're waiting longer just to see if you can even run it, but if you decide you don't like the game you haven't put out nearly as much cash.

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Thanks for your input!

I have checked to see if I have the most updated version through my PC, and It says that I do.

I have checked online, and the price for a new graphics/video/sound card is more than the game itself costs. I will most definatly buy the game, I have both 1 & 2 and really like them, and from the looks of this one, it surpasses them both by FAR!

I have $40 in Reward Zone certificates sitting here, and what better to spend them on? I just really hope that I don't have to shell out cash for a card. I just spent 1k on this PC!

Now only if I could get that demo to work WITHOUT one! :)

Outlane...I have an Nvidia TNT 64 MB it won't work. I tried updating the drivers first and I figure I'll just return the game, save money for now...and when I get a full-time job...then down the road I'll get it again plus a new video card.

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Good luck returning opened game software....

--George H

Yup, most places will no longer accept returns on opened software, except to change for the same title.

Thank the software pirates of the world for that.

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

I already called ahead to Gamestop, and they said I could return my pre-order for a that's all good...all I have to do is go into the store and do it.

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Maybe I missed it somewhere, and if so I greatly apologize, but has anyone been able to find the feature that tells us the height of the land. I am having a terrible time judging how close to the ground I am until the track shows up in red--then it's to late.



I don't think land height is part of the demo Michael. I don't think path height is either. Only ride height.

Hopefully that won't be the case in the full game, although I could see where it could be. Land works a lot different now.

kpjb's avatar
Well, I have to second-guess how the game judges airtime. This coaster came in at 0.00 airtime, but as you can see has quite a pop-out-of-your-seat hill in the middle of it. Hmph.

Oh, and I shouldn't be able to complete the "tycoon" level in under 45 minutes, either.

I agree with LG up there, though, that once you get used to the track builder, it's quite easy to use. It looked confusing at first, but once you do something with it, it becomes second nature.

On another note, do they have to put the "delete last track section" and "auto-complete" so close to eachother? I can see me hitting the wrong one and getting very annoyed.


Jeff's avatar
Hitting auto-complete a second time will stop it.

I wouldn't buy a video card right now. It's not unreasonable to think that the prices will drop a little in the next month.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I made a few screenshots of the the water splash which I think looks real nice on this game. Can't wait to try out the log and rapids rides!

You MAY get wet!

Overhead shot

Fire & Water

Forgive me if this was mentioned, I'm too tired to read all the posts. When I do a Revolution and people ride it, it appears as if they "disappear," i.e. their heads only show. This happens in coaster cam and in regular view. Any opinions on whether its the game, my pc, or the settings? *** Edited 9/29/2004 2:35:36 AM UTC by Willh51***
DawgByte II's avatar
It's the game... there's a number of graphical glitches still in the game here which is no more than a beta of the final version.

I found riding the Ranger... er... Inverted Ship, that the peeps will disappear when upsidedown, but reappear when turning back upright.
There's a number of spots where they got to tweek the camera because of clipping problems. I know it'll NEVER be perfect, but hopefully it'll improve with the final release.

Thanks! I am glad that sandbox mode thing was found, because it saved me from dumping the thing all together. At first I hated the game (yeah, I know it's only a demo) because it was hard to use, etc. But after I got the hang of things and built a cool inverted coaster, I really like it. I think the final version will be worth $30.

Some thoughts and jabs

-Why can't the cycle on Revolution be longer, it's shorter than PGA's, and that's short

- How the hell do you get two trains to work and the coaster to not stop for good if you put too many breaks?

- Is there anyway to change a specific piece of track without deleting a lot of others?

- Can you click anything to tell the speed of the train at a certain time?

Some Thoughts if you are having a "graphic problem" well I found out that sometimes Microsoft fills in a driver certificate for the real thing make sure that your driver comes from the driver disk that came with your graphics card/or computer.

second of all, you can just delete a section of track without doing all the others, play with it a while you will soon realize not much has changed with they way they are built, as for speed, not sure, maybe its a demo flaw but included in the game?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
In response to the above post by Willh51:

1. I imagine cycle times will be in the final version. You could adjust it in RCT1&2 and it would be a shame to leave it out of RCT3.

2. I'm assuming you're referring to block brakes. It's all about timing the trains.

3. Just double click it.

4. The only tool at this time is the graph. Far from precise, but...

Some more random thoughts:

I really miss an 'auto-bulldoze' feature.

The physics still seem way off to me.

Does adjusting the speed of the block brake actually do anything? My trains come to a screeching halt (like RCT2) everytime.

*** Edited 9/29/2004 3:42:11 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Jeff's avatar
The braking isn't right. Getting launched out of the station isn't right either. No floor under an inverted station 20 feet off the ground isn't right. Presumably these are things that'll get fixed.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

It's all very well assuming things will be in the final release, but that is only an assumption.

According to the preview on Gamespy and/or IGN, I'm sure they said there was a Peep Cam, where you can look at the park from a first person perspective, well this isn't in the demo and according to sources on the official forums (David Braben) it is not in the final game either. This is very disappointing as trying to navigate the park in a similar way with just the normal camera is extremely annoying and cumbersome.

Also I don't think the settings on the rides work. I set the min and max waiting times to 10 secs - any load, and the inverting ship just sat there and waited until it was full!

The only thing I didn't notice was that there is no Veko flyer as of yet(or atlest just not in the demo). I like the fact that we have screaming squirrl and rocket, and even an Intamin Pipeline and Veko Tilt.

The only coasters that I hope they end up adding, be it in the final and in add ons is a Gerst. and MS spinner, the Veko Flyer, an Intamin Half Pipe, Zamperla Volare, and a frequent faller. Other than that, I dont see much in the way of new coasters.

They could add more options though. Esp. with Intamin Inverts and TA2K. But I'll stop with my wish list...;)

I just played 6 hours of RCT 3 last night, And I must say... Im happy.

I think Atari and Frontier did a good job. I just hope the full version is a little better on the graphics side. And also I sure hope that they fix some of the little, but yet annoying glich's in the game. Like the time when I was riding the Inverter Ship, And peeps got on. Well The screen kept flashing every second like I was looking through a peeps head or somthing???... But so fare, that is the only graphic glich I seen.

As for proformance:

When I started the game, it said that it set my graphivs level automatically to Low to mach my computer settings... But then I went in and Tweeked Everything to extreme. Left Water reflection, grass grow and all of that on. and @ 1024 x 768 resolution, experianced no problems in the game. It did not stick once, Go slow on me, or lock the computer up.

I was getting n e where from 25 - 35 FPS durring gameplay.

for the Record, here are my specs:
HP Pavilion a230n PC w/
AMD Athlon XP 2800+ 2.08GHz Processor, 512mb Ram, NVIDIA GeForceā„¢ 4 MX w/ 64mb Shared memory. *** Edited 9/29/2004 11:44:29 AM UTC by Landon***

Landon Parks Holiday World Fan (HWF) from Bloomington, Indiana.

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