Deja Vu Valleyed!

Yes, like the Outsider said, it's not the first time Deja Vu has vallied. It has many times before at MM. This was the first time in this spot. I grabbed some pics of it vallied the other day when I was at MM.
I hope they don't put valley floors now in between the loop and the cobra loop or else almost all of the ride you will have a floor beneath you.
My Top 5 Coasters:
1. Raging Bull(SFGAm) 2.Millenium Force(CP) 3. Deja Vu(SFGAm) 4.V2(SFGAm) 5.Cornball Express(IB)
I'm telling ya (based on experience)... DV is a mammoth P.O.S.  The trip is good, but is it worth the trouble?  I would say "no."
Even if they put a floor under the part where it valleyed half of the riders wouldn't notice.  From those inside seats you can't see a damn thing!  Wait, I'm forgetting the "Don't put your feet here" sign.  Besides, I thought it was rather fun being valleyed on that ride.

*** This post was edited by Coastration on 1/5/2002. ***

Sorry guys, but what exactley does "valleyed" mean?
Valleyed basically means stuck. It didn't quite finish the circuit.
People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time.-Paranoid

Wow Until i read this i didnt realize how misinformed some people are about this ride.

SO here is some quickl news for you all. Valleys means it just comes to a stop and doesnt complete its course. Also the ride valleyed in its loop. And i actually think the trims on the loops might have had something to do with it.
Hart High. Indian Pride.

Raging Bull Guy, are you the same guy who works on Scream MAchines, or is that Raging Bull Fan?
Hart High. Indian Pride.
Nope, must be Raging Bull Fan.
People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time.-Paranoid
stoogemanmoe's avatar
Why can't they just fix it so that  catch wagons come down the towers and into the angled drops or catch the train more toward the front row of seats on the first tower and the last row of seats on the second tower? That would help eliminate vallying as far as how I saw the catch wagons in action.
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)
stoogemanmoe, that may be true, but it wouldn't help with this valley. It valleyed between the loop and boomerang, not the loop and tower. I don't think it would be worth the money to figure out how to get the catch wagon all the way through the loop.
I have no signature.
Just the thought of a catch wagon pulling a train up a spike and seeing the giant cables rotating at the top of the towers just doesnt seem right in todays technology. Does Vekoma not have the means to create something where the trains are launched like Intamin as opposed to relying on cables to move the trains?

I can see the train getting valleyed between the loop and cobra roll. The one at SFGAm just crawls through the elements going backwards.

""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""

I may be wrong, but weren't there plans at some point for Deja Vu to use something other than the cable winch?
Yeah i think it was just going to be regular Invertigo's but then Vekoma, Always looking to make an extra buck, said hey we got some thing that hasnt been tested but hey we are Vekoma we do what we want, and sold the ideas off to Six Flags. Who then ordered three of the GIB's. Little did Six Flags know that the trains they wanted werent even inteded for the GIB's so INTENSive testing had to be done. This is why Deja Vu was so delayed. I mean they put those things up in about a month of work afeter the supports where in.

Hart High. Indian Pride.

stoogemanmoe's avatar
I wasn't talking about having the catchwagon go through the loop, just have them come down farther down the drop towers. The first drop tower's catchwagon goe's all the way to the station. Why not have the other catch wagon on the reverse tower come down lower so that it catches the train more toward the rear of the train when it comes up the reverse tower? that would give it more momentem so that it doesn't crawl thru the ride backwards.

Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

what does GIB mean?
Rolla coasta of looove, rolla coasta, a hoo hoo hoo, your love is like a rolla coasta baby baby, oh what a ride - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Giant Inverted Boomerang
September 11th, 2001. We will never forget. Peace!
stoogemanmoe's avatar
Right..:) Thanks
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)
If its this bad now just wait 10 years from now. Unless they can make them better, I see a new ride in deja vu's place.  Of course not in a long time but how well can these things hold up?
BigShot, I have thought the same also... I think it's a gimmick coaster, and I don't think they'll last more than a decade.

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