1) Dual/Triple tracks (for Deja Vu they could really have 2 next to each other and mirror image them.)
2) Reduce the number of safety devices that a required to be on in order to ride. (Deja Vu has 2 belts and an OTSR)
3) Have a faster crew. (On Deja Vu at SFGAm they could significantly decrease the wait time by having the ride ops bring the harness down when they check the seatbelts around the waist rather than checking all the waist seatbelts then having everyone pull down their own OTSR and then checking again.)
Yes, I want my Deja Vu and eat it too!
What you described is the saftey procedures used to check restraints on Deja Vu, not really anything about them going slow. Ride Ops aren't allowed to make up how they decide to check restraints, there is a set way. For that, the policy at SFGAm is to check the seatbelts first and then go and check the harnesses.
Speed: The Ride is the same....The LIM's only go half the length of the station covering 3 out of the 6 cars.
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