Deja Vu - What's the answer?

ApolloAndy's avatar
Outkast: I don't live near any Deja Vu's. I went to SFMM last summer during early august (I booked my trip mid spring), with the hope of riding X and Deja VU. Guess what? Neither were open. Now I'm going to try again, and I'm booking my trips to MM and SFGAm. hoping that one day, one of them will be open. It would really really upset me if I made three separate plane trips with hopes of riding Deja Vu (admittedly among other things) but could never ride it. If there was one in SFNE (where I live) that'd be a different story, but as I have to travel many thousands of miles to ride one, i'd like to not travel thousands of miles to see a "closed" sign.

The legend lives!

rollergator's avatar
....Jeff, couldn't it work like the tire-drives on the swinging ships, etc., where the motor reverses direction as necessary? ...just a thought....then they'd always be "helping"...really, an pretty serious engineering flaw at Vekoma IMHO...

What's the answer?

"TAER IT DOWN!" - just kidding.

ApolloAndy - Don't get your hopes up. Last year I thought that I would have been able to ride all three. It took four trips to three different parks before I was able to ride one. Now, I obviously went to the parks for other reasons than just Deja Vu, but the Deja Vu down time was/is certainly an annoyance.

Here is my experience:

SFGAm - The ride opended, and I finally was able to get out the the park to check it out. Deja Vu ran for about half the day intermittently before finally closing, and before I had made it through the 2 hour+ line.

SFMM - Went out to L.A. in February, and Deja Vu was valleyed both days I was at the park.

SFoG - I went to Atlanta last October, and it was too cold for Deja Vu to operate properly. I was finally able to ride Deja Vu @SFoG this spring, but only after it opened late in the day. I waited it out with the aid of a Q-Bot. The "regular line" was at least 2 hours.

I did see the one at SFGAm operate this season, but I again did not make it through the line before it closed for the day.

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

What is usually the cause of the valleying? In California, it's probably not cold temperatures -- I imagine the ride releases too soon from the vertical towers? So is the cable the biggest problem? Or has the ride gotten vallied, when, for unknown reasons, it is just traveling too slow? I imagine raising the towers a 10-15 feet is out of the question? What about a standard chain lift?

You can count on two hands the # of days this ride has been open at SFGAm in 2 seasons!

MisterX said:
I know B+M had some pretty big problems with air, but SUF has been running pretty well actually. Neither coaster is nearly as bad as Deja Vu.

LMAO, I know. I love all these "experts" who haven't even *been* to SFoG this year saying how SUF isn't reliable.

People, B&M had three trains operating on SUF no more than *5* days after it opened! Exactly how many times has Vekoma run three trains simultaneiously on their Dutchmen? Exactly.

To clear up some things, I never said B&M is flawless. Anyone who thinks that a ride can operate 100% of the time is foolish. However, you absolutely will not find another manufacturer with more uptime. You can try to "make up" what B&M coasters are reliable/unreliable, but how many have:

1. Killed people (not including heart attacks)
2. Opened extremely late in the season
3. Opened the season AFTER they were supposed to
4. Run one train because "software problems" continually

etc, etc, etc.

Anyway, back to DV...I am in the camp of people who have been to all three parks with DV's (after their late openings) and have ridden exactly one. SFoG's, as hilarious as that is. :)

I worked at SFGAm all last season, never got on DV. I went to SFMM two full days in late March, never got on DV (It felt like playing the Valley Vu role that week). As good of a ride as it is (and in all honestly, I really only think it's great in the front now, after sampling some other seats), it's just not worth my trouble anymore. I'm almost to the point where I don't even care if it *is* operating because if I get in line I know it'll just close on me anyway.

I hope there is still a solution, otherwise they'd free up some nice land for a coaster that can operate more than 12% of the time (stat made up, may not be accurate).

Fiesta Fest Weakest Link contestant wannabe.


For the record, the back outside seats dominate the front.

For what it's worth, I've ridden back outside seats twice and don't think they compare to the very front at all. But thanks for letting me know your opinion. :)

Fiesta Fest Weakest Link contestant wannabe.

RRC Reference -


-Kyle Brylczyk
KoRn - Untouchables, June 11th, 2002

The first climb/drop makes the ride for me-- in the back, the extra height makes a significant difference. In the front, you get better visuals and a better drop the second time, but still.....I guess it's all a matter of preference.

lbwmobster said:
Deja Vu at SFMM has been running very fine for me and gives an outstanding ride.

Well, since it works fine for 'mobster, let's just leave 'em as they are. Why fix what's not broken for one person.

Sarcasm very much intended.

"Getting on Iron Wolf is kind of like going in a blender and pressing PUREE"

*** This post was edited by du8die on 5/20/2002. ***

Well, I believe that if Stunt Fall (the GIB at WBMW Madrid), that is supposed to open in 3 weeks has as many problems as the 3 Déjà-Vu, its going to be the last we hear from those 4 GIB.

Why? Vekoma is supposed to have done modifications to Stunt Fall, if its works, fine, the 3 others get it. If its doesn't work, then that means the design is doomed and the parks should try another thing....

You have to remember there was considerable amount of time between when the Deja Vu's were all showing problems and when they started assembling Stunfall, whioch actually wasn't assembled until recently. The parts and track have been on site for while now, but still, it would seem to me that it would insane to assemble another ride if others of its kind are have so many problems. Have a little faith, I think its a good sign that maybe they have a solution in the works.

Atleast that's what I hope.

It's just a poor design. I say close it until the flaws are worked out. Damn Shame.

*** This post was edited by Butt-Thunder on 5/20/2002. ***

Bull fan said:


For the record, the back outside seats dominate the front.

I would definitely have to disagree. lol. By the way, SFoG, being my home park, ive been lucky enough to get on DV about 12 times. I prefer the very two front seats to the two back outside seats but both provide an awesome experience on the towers. I hope they get these kinks worked out because IMO, DV rocks.

here's the answer: tear it down and new B&M flyers all around

I have a few questions and sugestions for Deja Vu. First my questions.

1. Why does the train seem to be always be releasing early? Is it the cable system? The catch wagon?

2. I heard they were going to put new wheel assemblies on. Did they try that?

3. How hard is it to program the braking so that when it drops early they trip the brakes?

I think Deja Vu has many problems but they can be fixed. Reprogramming the brakes and the computer seems somewhat simple. Also maybe it is the trains. Maybe they aren't aerodynamic enough. I know other coasters have 4 across seats but the problem maybe with the airflow between the odd seating arrangement. I know some of this sounds strange and there just some thoughts off the top of my head. Also has there ever been any other coaster that can't be run in cold weather like this one? How stupid is that?

Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull

the guy, SF did that at one park already. I don't think SFoG needs a 2nd, and SFGAm should get that new B&M that has been linked to in another topic. :) SFMM can get the other flier if SFGAm can get the 4D-ish B&M.

Deja Vu count this season: 1, but thats still more than most other people who've been to SFGAm this season!

Hey, is Stunt Fall open yet?

Six Flags-Its everywhere you want to be

"If parks only bought B&Ms, everything would work perfectly."

Now really? That was a very ignorant and unintelligent thing for you to say.

man, i hate seeing Vekoma get sucha bad rap here....i actually thoroughly love every vekoma ive ridden, and that includes a flyer, an SLC, 2 boomerangs, and an Invertigo...ill get to HOPEFULLY sample Deja Vu at SFOG in three very much hoping that my seemingly lone-standing adoration of Vekoma coasters thus far will continue.

Tim (who is hoping that Ninja wont scare me away from future vekoma ventures, haha:))

"hi, my name is Tim, and im a coasterholic"...."Hi Tim!!" hehe:)

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